True Life in God Messages

Notebook 77 True Life in God 807 and will be called: ‘The Betrothed.’ yes! I will betroth this nation to Myself, with tenderness and love will I betroth them, and in the end with one mouth they will proclaim with delight My Name: “our Father!” then the whole land will be wedded to Me.... “and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in them;” 1 (Later on, Jesus spoke:) pray for My children of Japan; write this and tell them: I am in your days, these days of darkness, revealing to you all My Holy Face; I have not come to remind you of My Presence so that I condemn you, I have come to call all of you to My Sacred Heart! I intend to give sight to the blind and take away the sight of those who say they see; I shall choose weakness to show My Power and Poverty to show My Riches and My Glory; open your hearts and speak to Me; My Name is: Jesus, and Jesus means: ‘Saviour’; soon, very soon, I shall come with myriads of angels; yes, My Return is imminent; look around you, have you not noticed My Signs? do not be afraid of Me, I am the only Truth and your Way to Heaven; come to Me as you are, do not wait to be saints, do not say, My beloved Japan: “I cannot speak, and if I do, He will not hear Me;” I am standing at your doorstep now, with My Heart in My Hand to offer it to you; I am the Sacred Heart and I have made a New Hymn of Love for all of you; 1 Is. 62:5. Mercy descends now to call all those who never sought Me nor ever knew Me to join in the assembly of My saints too; Scriptures say: “God does not have favourites, but that anybody of any nationality who fears God and does what is right is acceptable to Him;” 2 did you not know that I am a God who is meek and gentle, forgiving and full of pity? your unworthiness attracts Me for I am Everything and I can look after you; your incapacity to reach Me makes Me eager to lean from Heaven to lift you to Me; allow Me then to enter your heart and I shall adorn you with My glory! seek Me and you shall find Me, knock and I shall open to you; even if you say: “who am I to step into Your Heart?” I will tell you: “you are My child, My Own and My Seed; you belong to Me and to no one else; you come from Me and from no one else; this is why I want you in My Heart;” – no, perhaps you have not sought Me but I have found you; this, Japan, My child, is My Message for you; I bless you, leaving the Sigh of My Love on your forehead;  March 31, 1995 (Oita – Japan) When I was imprisoned in darkness and kept captive in the dungeon of sin, where grim faced spectres haunted my soul, and while I thought I would remain there, forgotten and banished from Your Eternal Light, You, like a thousand brightly blazing suns descended from Your Glory illuminating my dreadful night; Suddenly, someone was standing there and my heart leaped with hope; 2Ac. 10:34-35.