True Life in God Messages

802 True Life in God Notebook 77 you and so everything I do in these days is for the salvation of your generation; and you, daughter, present Me in your meetings as you have always done; embellish My House and I shall embellish yours; 1 vivify My House as I vivified yours; 2 caress Me your Father with your love; let us work; February 27, 1995 (Indonesia) I am still mystified by Your choice, my Lord, and all that is happening to me! do not be! 3 I am Lord of the heavens and earth; I tell you, out of a Nothing I can make an Altar on which all My Treasures can be laid .... tell Me: by what means did you obtain all the Knowledge, strength and zeal to evangelise? By Your Holy Spirit, my Lord. yes! by the power of My Holy Spirit; make room now for My Holy Spirit to sow in you seeds from Heaven, allow My Holy Spirit to cultivate your soil and make a terrestrial Eden in you; allow, My beloved one, My Holy Spirit to burn all the dry plants in you and replace them with Celestial seedlings and young vineyards; allow My Holy Spirit to turn your soul into another Paradise where We4 would feel We are surrounded by humility, peace, love, and joy; 5 yes, allow My Holy Spirit to take root in the middle of your soul and turn it into another 1God means my soul. 2Vivified me spiritually. 3This came like a command. 4The Holy Trinity. 5The seeds and seedlings of Paradise. Paradise; so make room now for My Holy Spirit to dwell in you and continue to instruct you to live a True Life in Us; 6 say now these words: Lord, give us Your Kingdom, so that we may obtain incorruptibility and the deity to have eternal life; amen; learn that only the seeds sown by My Holy Spirit in you can yield fruits in abundance; without these divine seeds your soul will remain a desert, uncultivated and a land of drought! so, daughter, do not be mystified by the action of My Holy Spirit .... come, My pupil, evangelise in My Assemblies; ic; March 2, 1995 (Pully.) My Lord? I Am; peace be with you; till now I have put up with you and all the delay due to administration .... 7 I want to untangle you from these things that take up My time! I am telling you: I am the One who enlisted you to write down My Messages; you will not keep up with My time were you to continue the way you do now; I have given you certain rules and again they were not followed; from My Grace you are obtaining My Messages and My Will is that you go and announce them as you do in public, to be able to teach others; 6The Holy Trinity. 7 Christ was reproaching me that the messages He dictated to me were ‘put aside’, and I had taken up His time of dictation for administration, e.g. fixing my travelling programmes, faxes non stop, and people keeping me on the phone.