True Life in God Messages

Notebook 77 True Life in God 801 soul will keep on living; let your soul be in peace with Me the day I will come to fetch it; so that you inherit My Glory; do not deceive yourselves now and say: “soul, you have plenty of things now, take things as they come: have a good time and roll in your wealth, obviously the inheritance is yours;” realise, My child, the wilderness you made of your soul; realise, My child, 1 how painful it is for Me to see your drought; I have always loved you with an everlasting Love; diminish My pain, efface My pain and return to Me, your Father, your Creator, your Saviour and your Life; pray from your heart and I shall hear you; forgiveness is given to you, if you ask it! Indonesia, direct your steps into My Steps for My Day is near and when I come, I shall come with Fire so allow Me to find you fit for My Kingdom .... ask for My blessings and I shall give them to you; which father refuses the well-being of his child? so how much more would I, who am the Source of Love, give to anyone who asks! I am near you, daughters and sons, and I bless you, offering to you My Peace; come and acknowledge your sins, facing Me, and I will respond to your cry of repentance; Vassula, I am Yahweh, your beloved Father and Father of all; praise Me and follow Me without delay, up now and pray the Our Father the way I honoured you by teaching it to you; I love you tenderly! 1The Lord is speaking to each one. February 26, 1995 (Indonesia) With my lips, Lord Almighty, I have repeated Your words that I heard coming from Your own Mouth, to many nations, so that they too enjoy Your Presence and rejoice in Your Law. Let me not forget or neglect Your Word and do not allow me to stray from Your Commandments, revive my soul with Your Word, my Lord. I give you My Peace; My child, you are not Fatherless; I Am who I Am is your Father; you are not homeless, My Kingdom, My Splendour and the Truth are your home; you are not restrained from food, for I, with My Own Hand, fill your mouth from My Mouth with My Word; sceptres and thrones can never be esteemed more than My Word; to what can you compare My Riches? My Vassula, you were once starved for My Word and My Heart, this Heart of the most tender of fathers, was in mourning and filled up with sorrow and pity; how many more are like you were once! 2 and how many more will I have to resurrect, then nourish .... but it was said that in these last days My creation would fall into such an apostasy and coldness of heart that many, even though they would not reject Me, would be affected; it has been said that Satan would increase in power in your days; but My Mercy is Infinite and My Compassion too; if the curse comes out of Satan’s mouth, a blessing from My Mouth overpowers his curse; My blessing is the Word from My Mouth that gives light in your darkness and on those who live in the shadow of death; My favour is upon 2Spiritually dead.