True Life in God Messages

Notebook 77 True Life in God 799 the uncreated Word of God the Father that would afford the whole of humanity enough to contemplate until the end of the world, yet without any person ever succeeding in fully grasping it.’ “‘But to tell of the pulsations of the Heart of Jesus has been reserved for modern times so that, in hearing of these things, the world already old and growing cold in the love of God, may be rekindled and grow warm again.’” (St Gertrude (1257-1302), Legatus Divinae Pietatis, Bk IV, chapter IV.)) February 21, 1995 (Dhaka) peace in your heart; Vassula-of-MySacred Heart, Flower-of-My-Passion, Offspring of-My-Father, I want you to be perfect; Lord, where shall I find sufficient words to glorify You? You have honoured my wretchedness with Your stupendous awe-inspiring Presence. Since then no task was too hard for me, with Your Presence everything became easy and a delight. You taught me that in Your right hand You hold the Victory, and that Death was swallowed up by Life. O Saviour so anxious to save and fortify, Your graciousness visited me at night, in the night of my heart, to sing a Festival, rousing a corpse. You put all Your Heart into Your song out of love for all of us; and out of me You made a Harp before Your Altar .... Let the music sound for our King, let it sound! Let the music flow to the ends of the earth and vibrate on every ravine, every mountain, and valley! praise My Name always, like now! So that your only Love rejoices; Vassula, strengthen My Church and I will strengthen your faith and soul; the little you give to Me pleases Me, the greater you give to Me delights Me! My Father never fails you, He always comes to your rescue; 1 I am always with you .... Do not forget that I am dust and that with one gust of wind, I am gone. The Waters from Your Breast are cascading over the mountains and into the valleys; 2 You are supplying water for all those who are thirsty, and You are sending me across the hills to all nations to cry out: “From God alone come victory and strength.” Do not crouch out of thirst anymore, stir your memories and recollect yourselves, all you who lie in the dust, for your Dew is not beyond reach. You have forgotten who made you but if you drink, Your memory will be restored! 3 “Oh come to the water all you who are thirsty; though you have no money, come!...” 4 and I will say: listen, and your soul will live.... And now my Saviour, You who count first in my life, 1 I had noticed this myself too. God the Father rushes first to console me. – One day, under very heavy persecution, I went on my knees crying for help to Jesus. I wrote my complaint (using my charism) and instead of Jesus responding, God the Father rushed to me and consoled me promising that the next day “it will be arranged”. His word came to realisation as He had said. – I know the Father has a weakness for me but so have I for Him. 2An outpour of the Holy Spirit. 3 Jesus helped me with His Spirit to write what I have written. 4 Is. 55:1.