True Life in God Messages

798 True Life in God Notebook 76 given you and evangelise with love for Love? 1 Yes, Lord. say: “yes, Lord, but with a fire inside me, with zeal for Your House and Your Glory;” 2 renew then your vows of fidelity to Me3 and I then will renew My graces upon you .... I will continue to pour out My graces and My teachings upon you; please Me and satisfy My thirst, realise what I have given you; 4My pleasure is to give .... remind your counsellor5 how sacrifice pleases Me; generosity is also agreeable in My Eyes; I wish to remind both of you, how important it is to keep up with My pace, 6 the urgency of My Message; you are facing the dawn of the great events to come; put your heart at work; then, be gracious to one another; tepidness in your work displeases Me; oh, what could I have given you more that I have not given you? I have given you this Inexhaustible Treasure that was hidden from the eyes of mankind and was revealed only to Gertrude, 7 this Treasure that left her heart in total rapture and her eyes captivated by the wonder; 8 this Inexhaustible Treasure was reserved for your times: the end of times; My Sacred Heart treasured these riches for your generation; now, do you understand why the devil has you, My Vassula, as his prime concern and his prime target for destruction? Now I understand, Lord. 1My vows had to be renewed on the premises of the dawn of True Life in God. 2 I said it. 3 I did. 4Jesus abruptly stopped and said what follows. 5Fr. O’Carroll. 6Jesus’ ‘step’ is rather swift .... 7 It was revealed to her by St John the Evangelist. 8See the note at the end of this message. I will never fail you; work with Me9 and please Me; I am your Life .... pray, that the Evil one does not venture too close to your union10 .... pray for the completion of your work; pray and ask the Father to make you perfect; I, Jesus, bless both of you and remember: confide in one another, bless one another, be an example of what unity will be like! be one;  (Note: Saint Gertrude is often called the Great, as she was one of the greatest mystics of the Catholic Church. Though she lived nearly four centuries before St. Margaret Mary, she had a great devotion to the Heart of Jesus. Her book “The Herald of Divine Tenderness” is a living poem on Divine Love, a love always linked to the Sacred Heart . One of the most famous of all her visions concerned the Heart of Christ. The vision took place on the Feast of St. John the Evangelist. In her book she speaks of herself in the third person. A reading from Saint Gertrude: “Whilst she was, as was her wont, wholly absorbed in prayer, the disciple whom Jesus loved so well, and who for that reason should be loved by all, appeared to her. She then said to him: ‘And what grace can I obtain, wretched me, on your feast day?’ He answered: ‘Come with me, you are the chosen one of my Lord, let us rest on His breast in which are hidden all the treasures of blessedness.’ “– Then he took her to our Lord and both placed themselves on our Lord’s Heart. This is where she discovered this Inexhaustible Treasure He was hiding in His Heart. When she asked the Evangelist why wasn’t this treasure given before or why hadn’t the Evangelist spoken of this Treasure, Saint John said: “‘My mission was to deliver to the Church, in her first age, a simple word on 9Jesus smiled. 10Fr. O’Carroll’s and mine.