True Life in God Messages

Notebook 76 True Life in God 797 and demonstrate My Power and My Mercy; I am with you: go, go and tell everyone: “help comes from God, hope comes from God; turn to Him and He will save you;” I bless you, Vassiliki, honour My Name always! February 17, 1995 (Bangladesh) (Just before my meeting in Dhaka.) Lord? Uphold me and put Your words constantly before my eyes! Remind me of Your Teachings. O Lord, let Your Words be before me as a Lamp before my feet, not to stumble. peace be with you; never have I failed you and I never will; 1 Vassula, ssshhh listen to Me2 .... lean on Me as you have leaned before and I will guide you and through you others! we, us? ic; (God brought me back to Bangladesh where He first spoke to me. He brought me to the premises of my conversion, and where ‘True Life in God’ began.) My Vassula, I bless you; come, My Spirit is with you and will be with you so that you, as My Echo, then will be able to give My Celestial Manna to everyone; 1 I wanted to say something. 2This was said very softly and gently. My coming here again with you, was so that I bless through you the premises of the Nature of your being; by this I mean, of your being in existence and alive! 3 I, Jesus, came to you in your poverty, in your misery, to lift you to My Heart and make you the living sign of My divine Mercy; allow Me now to speak through you and give My graces in these meetings; reap with Me this rich harvest you have not prepared; pray without ceasing and honour Me; keep Holy My Name; I, Jesus, am with you;  February 18, 1995 (Dhaka) Lord! You have educated me just like that. Happiness is reserved for the wretched and the poor; this is how I came to observe what the eye cannot observe unless it is given us from above. peace be with you; I could not see the flower-of-My-Heart perish; 4 I could not see you struck with blindness forever, My Heart is your abode and your salvation; how could I see this cloud overshadowing My tent and remain silent? one blow with My Breath was needed to blow away what clouded My tent5 ... and now, one question: do you still want to continue with all that I have 3Before my conversion I had ceased to be and when God converted me I began to live. 4 In November 1985, when everything began (True Life in God), the angel Daniel, before introducing himself, took my hand and drew a heart and from its middle a flower. 5All this was said in metaphors. What Jesus means is as thus. The cloud: darkness of the soul, obscurity. Tent: my soul. His Breath: the Holy Spirit.