True Life in God Messages

796 True Life in God Notebook 76 given to you to apply My Laws, to love justice and to bring My sons and daughters from far away; I have taught you and have given you a disciple’s tongue to be My Echo and to put My Kingdom in their hearts; in your eyes, Paraskevi, 1 I have given you My Light; in your soul I exhaled a perfume of resurrection, I have breathed out a scent of myrrh, and in the tabernacle2 of My Son, I have perfumed it with incense3 .... – and now, listen to your Father: 4My Soul is overcome with grief but at the same time, by compassion; I have spoken, but very few listen, I knock5 and no one seems to hear, what am I to do if no one listens? I have spoken Hope, daughter, to all of you; yet when I speak today, which is the Hope you were all longing for, My Word is no sooner given than concealed; the seed of Hope I sow is taken away and hidden .... I speak and wait for a response, but My Word is not heeded, yet; I am the Hope for faithless hearts, but at the same time, the Sword that cuts hearts apart; so many hunger for My Word.... 6 but why do men conceal the treasures I am pouring out on them? if My Soul is overcome with grief it is because My Cup of Justice is brimming over now, over-flowing on My Hands which are ready to strike and give a scourge to this faithless generation as 1 God called me with my second name which was given to me after a vow my mother made to our Saint Paraskevi, a saint for healing eyes. 2 “The tabernacle of My Son” means ‘us’, for when we receive Communion, Jesus enthrones Himself in us. We are all meant to be live tabernacles of Christ. 3 Incense drives Satan away. God had to perfume me with incense to purify me and receive His Son in the most perfect condition. 4 Suddenly God spoke very intimately and in a very paternal voice, just as any father who is filled with grief and wants to confide it to his child. 5 “Knock” here has a double sense: “knock down”, too. 6 Suddenly, God uttered that question as though speaking to Himself, alone, putting His thoughts openly. never before, then, as I am Father, I will, with compassion and tenderness, heal the wounds I will make by those same Hands that will strike .... this is the great Hope you are asking Me for; I will come to bring everyone home and heal their wounds; as I am Father, I will attend My wounded children, I will attend their needs, then they will know that from the beginning they were Mine and that I Am who I Am is Father and Lord; I will bring their lips to proclaim: “blessed is our Lord;” and once again they will proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven; they will proclaim it like never before because I will give them a new heart .... so do not be astonished when in these last days men are arrogant and betraying one another; do not be astonished by the multitude of false prophets rising and the propagation of errors and the distortion these false teachers do of Scriptures .... no, do not be astonished, My child, of men sneering now at you when you still say: “I believe in My Father in Heaven; I believe in one God, Father of all; I believe in the glorious living Presence of His Beloved Son in the Eucharist; I believe in Jesus Christ, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary;” no, daughter, they do not believe in My Son’s Resurrection nor in His Divinity .... I tell you: be in peace among fury and in tribulations remain in My Peace; spread My Peace; never allow your heart to be troubled by the cruelty of men .... I am with you even though you do not see Me, My child, I am with you; My Son is well on the way by which He left, to be among you; so courage! courage, and do not be afraid; put your hope in Me and no one else; I am Yahweh, your Abba, and I promise you to bring you home; so, go