True Life in God Messages

Notebook 76 True Life in God 795 February 8, 1995 Who is there to have compassion on us and grieve for us if it is not You? We are still hoping for Peace, this Peace Your Beloved Son has bequeathed us .... We have sinned against You and against all the powers of Heaven. We have ceased to be, because we have rejected Your Holy Name that is our identity: Source-of-Life. And now, this Great Revolt, this Apostasy, is eating Your House like cancer. O my Yahweh! Brighter than a million suns, how can man not notice Your brilliancy passing by them? How can one say: “There is no proof of Yahweh passing by. No sign is seen on His passing.” God! You are like an arrow shot at a mark, yet although they have eyes they cannot see that the arrow has passed them by and is already on its target. O our God, You are our Hope, come now, this year, without delay, to restore Your broken altars and rebuild Your cities and Your House. ah Vassiliki! stop your sighing, I have heard you; My Hand is stronger than My enemy’s; comfort shall be given to you soon, and I will redress My people and refresh your priests; I will restore My altars and rebuild My cities; yet, I have to discipline first the lawless who are champions when it comes to villainy; they swallow apostasy as though they were eating the Bread of Life; even today, were they to repent I would show My favour and My pardon graciously to them, but I hear nothing from them .... how can I abjure My fiery rage and retract My Justice since this generation continues to give great honours to the devil? I am known to be good and forgiving and most loving but who today of these apostates invoke Me, calling Me: “my Father;” thus a tempest of fire soon will sweep away this iniquity and sin; no one of you knows that Day, and if any one says, he knows, he does not come from Me .... I will visit you in a time you least expect Me, an hour without a sign; suddenly, unexpectedly, you will be visited by a hurricane of a flame of devouring fire; what you are waiting for will come; I will speak and when I will speak, My Voice will melt the elements of the earth together with its iniquity and sin; I love you all with an everlasting love and My affection for you is beyond words, but is My Name to be profaned forever? what I am about to do grieves Me and overwhelms Me with sorrow since I take no pleasure in afflicting you; in My displeasure I will have to redress you with fire; groan, daughter, for the unrepentant; I shall accomplish My intention and I shall carry out My Plan till its end; as for those who did not close their ear to My Voice and defended My Word, I tell you: do not grieve, My Eyes see all, and I will judge each of you by what he does; as I reveal things beforehand I will reveal to you what My right Hand will do just after My Day; My right Hand will lay the new foundations of earth and heaven, and once more I will adorn the remnant left with My Splendour and My Divinity; so, daughter, there is hope for your descendants; I am your Hope; I will make many return to Life, and will bear My Son’s New Name on you; and you, daughter, intercede for My House, take care of My Interests and I will take care of you; My Spirit has been