True Life in God Messages

Notebook 76 True Life in God 793 but if, however, even today you will renounce your sin and repent with your heart and promise to live in charity, union and peace, you shall live and I will recall your sins no more; come back to Me, generation, why are you so anxious to die in your sin? come back to Me, renounce your sin and you will live! have you not read: 1 “I am the Amen: the Faithful and the True Witness, 2 the Ultimate Source of God’s creation; true warrior for Justice?” 3 how can you, who preach My Word daily, not tell the times nor the signs? you, who persist in declaring that I am not the Author of this Message, I tell you: you judge by human standards, and you glory in your glory ..... beware, then, and keep your tongue from judging; I am the sole Judge; and you are indeed in My Hands .... I have, with My Spirit, fortified what was frail so that through her, 4My Name will be praised and acclaimed in every nation, so that the feeble man finds his strength; I have commanded you to be the Echo of My Word, a scroll to be read, so that once they hear and eat5 they would joyfully take courage to confess and repent; I have said in the Assembly of My saints: 6 “I will deprive no one from My Light; no one should remain imprisoned in darkness; My Father is afflicted by untimely grieving and the retribution He has reserved for this faithless and apostatised generation is at their very doors now; I shall send in the chaos they are living in, the Vessel, 7who carried Me in flesh, to carry this time again My 1Rv. 3:14. 2Rv. 19:11. 3Rv. 19:11. 4 I understood that Christ was speaking of me. 5To eat the Word of God. 6 Up in Heaven, Jesus assembled His saints to declare to them His decision. 7Our Blessed Mother. Word, so that I come to them like a drop of morning dew in their desert; I will send My Mother to teach them little by little My ways and correct those who offend Me; why, I Myself, shall descend too in this desert to enliven the dead; Instruction and Wisdom shall be given freely to them; We shall come with Our Heart in Our Hand and offer it to them; and like Two Lamps, standing side by side We will shine on them; I will not be slow in executing My Plan and a time of Mercy will be granted to them all; this is why I will raise disciples in these end of times to build what lies now in ruin; I shall send them to witness in My Name; I shall send them where shrubs bear fruit that never ripens and where the path of True Knowledge is neglected; My precious ones8will be sent in the entrails of this earth, where sin is coiled up as a serpent in its nest, to extirpate and uproot evil; I shall send those ones to uproot the great Plan of the Beast; I shall grant them in their special mission the power and their actions will be crowned with success; with My Holy Spirit they will withstand fearsome devils; with courage and perseverance they will pay no heed to the stoning they will receive; My Holy Spirit will be their guide and companion, guiding them prudently in their undertakings; I will execute My promise without delay and dispatch My Holy Spirit from the Heavens to work with them and teach them all that I have already given them; I shall open their mouth and fill it with My Word, and their tongue will be like a sword; I will guard My precious ones closely from My enemies, 9 the oppressors, in those days; I will save them from the traps set for them and from the fatal hard stone aimed on 8Those selected and sent out to testify and prophesy. 9The apostates, followers of the Beast.