True Life in God Messages

786 True Life in God Notebook 75 offer Me during midnight Mass! – your fidelity, from your heart; and if you do, My Father and I will display Our Holiness in you to strengthen you in this battle of the Plague; 1 shall any of the followers of the Beast be hostile to you, be like a sling to them and shatter them as in the vision2 I had given you .... now, little one, be one with Me; let us continue to share; I am Lord, so do not fear; My Name: Jesus Christ, Son of God and Saviour;  December 26, 1994 You have entrusted me with this Message. Committed me to take care of Your Interests, but my oppressors are joining forces against Your Message to crush it. What can I do now with my bare hands? I know; love Me and give yourself some rest; My child, I shall triumph in the end, so worry now about My Heartbeats; every Heartbeat is a call to a soul to return to Love; My Heartbeats are not all 1Rv. 15:12, 6:7, 11:6, 16:2, 13:12, 16:11. 2 The vision: I found myself held by the followers of the Beast. They took off my crucifix-ring, disappeared for a while with it and then came back with it. They gave it back to me. When I took it I knew that they had profaned it. Then they accompanied me to their door to leave, but as I was passing by in their hall they had the Emblem of the Beast on their wall (just as we have the crucifix). I made a quick decision; when I saw a sort of sling near-by, I grabbed it and with all my strength I hit their Emblem right in the eye (centre) destroying it and all evil power within it. Upon taking that decision I knew that that might cost me my life. But I thought it was worth it so long as I would destroy their power too. As soon as I shattered it those followers of the beast accompanying me to their door were shaken with fright and trembled. And I understood that by destroying their Emblem they too were destroyed and had no power over me. heard and, oh, 3 so many souls are heading into the eternal fires .... all I want from you is an unceasing prayer; be vigilant and use the discernment I have given you; have I not given you enough proof of My Love? Lord, give me please a visible sign of Your Love. flower-of-My-Passion, so be it; I shall give you, for the sake of your love, a sign of My Love, not that I have not given you already, but I will augment your perseverance with this sign on you; I love You to death. ah .... how these words are a balm to Me and in the mysteries of My Kingdom a salvation to a soul; come, My child! December 27, 1994 My daughter, fragile as you are, can one say you were not witnessing in My Name? provided you remain weak and fragile, I will continue to overshadow you in My Strength; hear Me and rejoice: the One who has been feeding you and filling your mouth with Celestial Manna says to you: My Return is imminent; My Vassula, yes, rejoice and be glad! I am on the road on which I had left; My Return is even nearer than it was when you were converted; 4 by the power of the Holy Spirit I have raised you, My child, to be in perfect union with Me and witness to the crowds in My Name, giving yourself to them to the utmost of your capacity; your fidelity pleases Me; this is why I will continue to build My Plan in you until it is completed.... and the poor will hear 3This was a sigh. 4That was 1985. (Nine years ago today.)