True Life in God Messages

784 True Life in God Notebook 75 am speaking in the heart of My Sanctuary: “the word that I announce is not for your condemnation but to restore your soul and save you;” and you, daughter, whom I have chosen, I will help you, this is a promise from the Holy One; I will put with you an angel who, when you run you will not grow weary, when you walk never tire, for he will carry you on his wings, and I, for My part, will renew your strength; courage, daughter; I bless you; (Later:) Jesus Christ, what can I do for You? love Me .... let your heart be My fragrance, fragrance that will draw My House into one, fragrance that can bring My shoot from the East to call out: “the Amen wants His Promise to be fulfilled, the Risen Christ is at our very doors with sorrow in His Eyes .... for we have doubled His agony, His Cross, and His Crucifixion; “the Holy One is at my doors, Brother, 1 like the Appearance to His disciples, He tells me: ‘peace be with you; as the Father sent Me I am sending you, 2 go now and meet your Brother and unite the dates of Easter, then I shall give you the gift of love and restore your sight; I do not want you to perish in your own folly; double indeed is My grief; double is My groaning; go now and alleviate My pain, brother, go and glorify Me by unifying the dates of Easter;’” Vassula, in the end Our Two Hearts will triumph;  1Roman Catholics. 2Jn. 20:21. December 16, 1994 I give you My peace; never let loose of My clothes, hang on to My hem .... My Spirit will give you strength, perseverance, courage and a flame to enflame other hearts; I tell you: no one who glorifies Me is let down by Me, no one who waters a parched land is ignored by Me; My Heart is too sensitive and pure not to be touched; My graciousness observes you like a mother, like a father, every aspect of your behaviour is observed by Me; I love you, have no doubt of My Love; you are My pupil and I, your Teacher; I have not been teaching you merely to instruct you alone, but My Teachings are meant for all of you .... Wisdom is your Holy Companion; ecclesia will revive; do not abandon writing, My Hand will guide your hand and My Voice shall be heard by many, for this is My Will and it will be done: and you, daughter, love Me, desire Me and write: be My Echo, do your best and I will do the rest; December 18, 1994 Lord! You have plunged me to the depths of the Night, to its darkest, deepest place You have plunged me. Why do You hide Your Face from me? How can I hear the marvel of Your Voice in the dark; I stretch out my hands, groping for Your Hand, for the hem of Your clothes, but I find nothing where I can cling on. My Love for you has no limits; if you are going through the terrors of the Night do not fear .... My Vassula, I am with you – I am with you; I get My comfort in your