True Life in God Messages

782 True Life in God Notebook 75 one1who holds back this Rebellion in My House; “I refuse to destroy the whole; but trouble for the bloodstained hands! and you, you who have taken the position of sentry to prohibit My Holy Spirit from entering in His territory, I will send the most barbarous of the nations to surround you; I shall drop in your desert a fire of fury, with a cloud that will cover your cities: thus your dark epoch will come to an end ....” My Lord, what is to be the outcome? the outcome? the outcome will be My Promise: the New Heavens and the New Earth .... Rome, who had ever shown such determination as Mine, to save you? My glory is rising on you, though night still covers you, above you My splendour appears; how is it that you cannot tell the times nor the signs? I have not yet heard from My House their cry of repentance; even now they are not listening but lay traps for My mouthpieces; were they to listen and repent they would be able to turn many from their evil ways and from the wickedness of their deeds that brought them to apostatise! they never pause to consider that I know about all their wickedness and so not until they come to confess their guilt and seek My Holy Spirit, will I relent .... come, daughter, let us go;  1The Pope. December 7, 1994 Yahweh, how long will this exile last? But I know that Yahweh is tender and as tenderly as a father treats his child so Yahweh treats me. Pull me out of the calumnies they have spread about me for You are my Arbitrator. lean on Me! I, Yahweh, will console you .... My seedling, I have formed you in My Courts to become My Echo and My powerful mouthpiece; a sword for My Enemy; 2 do not be afraid; was it not I, Yahweh, your Abba, who rescued you? do not be afraid, you are Mine and I am known to protect My Own .... should your oppressors hold assemblies against you, I will be with you; or should they falsify My Message, calumniating you, for My Name’s sake I will reveal more and more My Son’s Holy Face on yours3 to your society, as foretold; your oppressors will not drown you; I will always lift you to delight My Heart! should they assemble altogether as one great force to crush you, you will not be crushed, because you are precious in My Eyes; the Spirit of Wisdom and insight was promised you to stir up your heart and those of others; 4 have you not taken in account My triumphs? from the depths of My being, I, Yahweh, love you; let your oppressors come forward and explain to Me your knowledge of My Knowledge .... listen, daughter, for your sake, I will bring your brother from the East to honour My Name; take courage now; a shoot of hope will spring from My 2Satan and his like. 3 Phenomenon that happens whenever God wants. Even on video-tapes it happens. 4 True, many, many conversions. Miracles. And in spite of calumnies and strong persecutions, the Message is well spread in the world and known. Translated in 29 languages by volunteers.