True Life in God Messages

Notebook 75 True Life in God 781 much longer: My Justice will take over now; I have never ceased sending you My mouthpieces to warn you, yet to this day you have rejected, disowned and raged at My messengers; many of My sacerdotal souls, those who govern in high seats, have sworn to crush them; I have taken all means to reach this unfaithful generation to save it and whisper in its heart some sound sense, but My Spirit is persecuted by their spirit; odious, those whose allegiance is wicked; I have again and again given them signs of My Love but they have flung My Love under their feet – this is why I shall come down to break the power of the wicked and it will be Me who will persecute the wicked till there are none to be found! I turn away My Eyes from the world not to look any more at their wickedness and on those who say: “in our tongue lies our strength; our lips have the advantage; who can master us?” 1 spite now egoism and iniquity, stand high among the sons and daughters of men .... My Assemblies of My holy ones in heaven mourn for the image they have taken .... they have exchanged Our Image2 We had given them which identified them as sons and daughters of the Most High for the image of the Beast .... today the more I call to them, through My mouthpieces, the further they go from Me; (Message for Rome.) “you were once My Eden, Rome, My Garden of delights, even My angels were lost in amazement over your perfect beauty; and you governed My House in holiness and justice; honesty and love was the soul of My House; you were indeed the reflection of My Eternal Light, leaving an everlasting memory to 1Ps. 12:4. 2The Most Holy Trinity’s Image. My saints and My angels; your wealth and your treasures were heavenly then; “today, Rome, your soul has turned into the Beast’s reflection and you have taken the position of sentry in My territory to prohibit the entry to My Holy Spirit and the prophets who prophesy in My Name, calling you for repentance and to renounce your evil ways; to save you, I, Myself, come to your door now to address you; have you not read: “a child of God listens to the words of God?” 3but so far not a single word I pronounced has penetrated into you; for you, My Words are something inactive and nil; My grace has been rejected and My salvation plan discredited; you are outrageously rebellious and arrogant when it comes to the truth, this is why you claim to have knowledge and discernment on My heavenly Works so as to tarnish My mouthpieces who expose your darkness to the world ....” and you, daughter, never present your defence; there are many witnesses who can support you but the greatest one of them all is My Holy Spirit; put your hope in Me, who have the power to save you; if they continue to ill-treat you unjustly, be very humble, since the punishment I reserved for them will be fire; you ought to expect repulse and set-backs, for sin has gained a hold over them .... continue to declare the greatness of My Name to every nation, I am sending you, so ‘lo tedhal!’ 4yes, do not fear! 5 “I will continue to pour out My Holy Spirit on you all and display the greatness of My Love; have you not read: “when new wine is found in a bunch of grapes people say: ‘do not destroy it, it contains a blessing’”; 6 I shall do the same for the sake of those who serve Me in righteousness and are obedient to the 3Jn. 8:47. 4 ‘Lo tedhal’, in Aramaic, means: ‘Do not fear!’ 5Continuation of Rome’s message. 6 Is. 65:8.