True Life in God Messages

780 True Life in God Notebook 75 Holy are You and Mighty; Your Presence is Splendour and Majesty, I need no one but my Maker. I swore never to abandon you; Branch of the Vine, how much more could I prove to you that this is all My Work? Soil! give your harvest now, speak! pass on without reserve what you learned from Me; while you speak I am glorified and you sanctified; you are indeed in My Hand; I will continue to help you and keep your memory fresh, so now let “us” rest; I in you, and you in Me; ic; November 25, 1994 (France) My Lord! I Am; lean on Me .... peace, My child; listen and understand: depend on My massive power and in My Infinite Mercy; preach the way I preached to you; follow the heart of the Law; 1 I will remind you of everything that has to be said; (Then Christ gave this message for France.) in these days I have taken sackcloth to manifest My grief, have you not noticed how I have taken the desert in search of My eldest daughter? 2 today if I have taken the desert in search of you it is so that I test the genuineness of your name, as you were the first chosen, to expand My Love; I shall never forget how you were My pride and My boast and of how obedient you had been; what has happened to the utter zeal you had then? I was once 1That is: Love. “Evangelise with love for Love.” 2Title given to France. appealing to your heart; how could you have forgotten all the graces you obtained from Me, only yesterday? you are heiress, Daughter-of-My-Church, to My Kingdom; I have come to you, to revive your devotion to My Sacred Heart, through a promise; 3 Gift-fromMy-Father! once guardian of My Interests, do not compel Me to say: “My Property has been given4 away and administrators have filled her, instead of allowing My Spirit to keep His seat, My seat is being ruled now by flesh;” come back to Me and set your heart right again; repent and acknowledge your sin in the Presence of My Father and I will respond to your cry of repentance; December 1, 1994 Lord, my Refuge, my Comfort, my Smile, my Fountain, my Universe. I love you. peace be with you; need Me, I am the Source of your life, I am the source of your joy; need Me as you need the air which you breathe; do you wish to sit at work today with Me? 5 Yes! Yes! My joy and my life is God Himself, the God who loves me. Come and help us in this Hour of Crisis, there is no such help from man! daughter, raised and formed by Me, there are so few who listen, sin is still alive in their hearts, pride is governing them; your generation is heading for a bloodbath; I shall not remain hidden 3France has to promise to the Sacred Heart: Fidelity. 4Sold away. 5Jesus means, under His dictation.