True Life in God Messages

Notebook 75 True Life in God 779 since then you stepped out of My embrace and accustomed your steps to walk your own way .... O child of the Father! fruit of the Son! My City and My Bride! 1 your fragrance left you .... are there going to be any survivors left in you when I will descend in full force? I am standing at your doors, knocking, if anyone of you hears Me calling and opens the door, not only will I come in to share his meal side by side, but I will also engrave on their flesh My new Name; they will call My Name then, and I shall listen to them and I will say once more: “these are My people, a holy priesthood and I will live among them all;” have you not heard? “all flesh is grass and its beauty like the wild flowers; the grass withers, the flowers fade, but the word of the Lord remains for ever;” 2 so why do you call yourself “God” and enthrone yourself in the Sanctuary? come and repent and allow Me to guide you back into your divinity; if you allow Me to be your Torch and Light, no worldly law can touch you; come and inherit Our Kingdom in the right spirit; ask for My gifts and I shall give them to you: how can you say to your soul: “soul, you have plenty of good things now, take things as they come: have a good time and roll in your wealth, obviously the inheritance is yours;” alas for your adultery! alas for your slanderous accusations that have been made by those who walk with the outward appearance of religion but reject the inner power of the Church! they are really members of the evil one, never realising that they are a wilderness and a drought, a walking wretch, pitiably poor and naked too; how could you believe I could live in you3 and offer you 1The Holy Spirit is talking to the Church. 2 Is. 40:6-8. 3The members of the Church. My gifts, you who are in debt to sin? have you not heard how I shun deceit? – ah Vassula, how so few know about Me and yet it is I, who hold all things together, am everywhere and know everything to the depths of God; let your love grow in Me and your joy be complete in Me so that your spirit sings praises to Me; let your heart be in peace with Me and your spirit forgiving; bear with patience the Cross entrusted to you for all you do does not go in vain; repay wickedness with kindness; repay evil with goodness and love; be mindful to the poor and the wretched to give glory to Me; be loyal and trustful only to Me your God; alone you are not; I, the Holy Spirit, am your life and the One who directs you into Our Kingdom; pray without ceasing and be holy in My Presence; November 11, 1994 Lord? I Am.... Lord, when liars hound me You must help me! 4 name Me anyone who can stand up to Me; There is no one like You. so then trust Me .... I shall chase your oppressors away and I, Myself, will take up your cause; I am with you so whom do you need more? 4Ps. 119:86.