True Life in God Messages

778 True Life in God Notebook 75 as you know, he who touches you unjustly, touches the apple of My Eye; stand firm though, My child, and pray that faith be restored in your country, for faith is not given to everyone; I am the Author of My Message and I will see that it spreads quickly; this is My Work and all that has been undone by human hand will be restored again by My Hand; as for your oppressors in your country do not regard them as enemies but as people who are also part of the family and therefore dear to Us, 1 needing prayers; let your love increase and not decrease, so that when I come to call you, I may find in you the same love I Myself have for you; My desire is to find you fit for My Kingdom; accept your Cross and let the Father repay those who are injuring you; (The Holy Trinity spoke:) ever so dear to Us, imitate Us, (The Holy Spirit then only spoke.) I will continue to direct you and give you My Instructions to be suitable for Our Kingdom; during My Instructions to you I will teach you to lay hands on your brothers and sisters so that their spirit falls in My embrace; the dead2 are going to be raised; I shall lift them, though not all; it is I who give you life and breath; have you not heard that it is in Me that you live and move and exist? I will continue to train you spiritually in My Love, in My Infinite measure, so that your motives become those of Our reflection and through your mouth I shall continue to speak and raise many of your dead; it is the Father who sends you out travelling; I am with you though all the time; soul! I shall continue to model you 1Holy Trinity. 2Spiritual death. according to Our Image so that when your perishable nature must perish I may lift you once again, 3 to walk into Our Courts; trust Me, Vassula, and allow Me to flutter freely in you; allow Me to breathe in you so that I can continue to teach you with Wisdom and counsel; everything I do, My infant, is not of the letter but by My Infinite Holiness and Glory; My Knowledge embodies the Truth; come and possess the Truth and all that I own, it is freely given to all mankind; seek My goodness, My patience and My tolerance so that in your weakness these gifts may lead your mind and your heart to a greater repentance; yes, live holy as I am Holy .... be holy in every one of your actions and do not let Me flee from My dwelling place4 for lack of holiness; let your loyalty to Us grow as Our loyalty, 5 to preserve you from falling into a lethargic spirit and back into the evils of the world; let your joy be in Us; daughter, pray that the prophecies may be quickly completed and that I, the utter fullness of God, the utterance of your spirit, the light in your eyes, descend in your midst to show the world how wrong it was, to show to the churches their iniquity of their division and how, although they declare daily that there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God who is Father of all, over all, through all and within all, are uncharitable with one another, We cannot say: “you have done everything to preserve the unity I offered you in the beginning when you were still a child6 and in My Arms;” today you say: “I am not a child any longer and I can walk by myself,” and 3 The first resurrection was of the spirit, conversion. This resurrection is of the dead. 4The Spirit dwells in us. 5Between the Trinity. 6The primitive Church.