True Life in God Messages

Notebook 75 True Life in God 777 (The Holy Spirit continued now:) I shall not impose Myself on you; open your door1 and I shall shed My Light in you; I can make you grow and give you speech to glorify Our Mystery; in your silence you will hear My Voice instructing you about the Way; from a pagan I can turn you into a believer then give you the Knowledge of Wisdom and if you remain faithful to Us, I shall invest in you the Treasures of Our Glory and release you from your misery, so that you too in your turn will come to your neighbour’s help; to you I will reveal My Beauty and My Holiness and you will be lost in admiration at My Presence; I am the Tree of Life, whosoever has Me planted in him, has eternal life; I can turn your soul into an Eden, into a Paradise; with My Divine Light I can transfigure your soul into a sun, brighter than all the constellations put together, for I am an inaccessible sun; you may have an incorruptible body if you allow Me to remain in you, and like a breeze in you I will refresh your soul and turn it into the perfect reflection of Christ; and although you will still be among men, your mind will be in heaven, and although your body will be moving among men, your soul and mind will be as an angel’s, walking in the Courts of Our Kingdom, walking among angels; if you open the door of your heart to Me, I will set your heart aflame and free it from the defilement of your passions; I shall frequently set your heart aflame to burn all your passions, no matter how small, that keep you prisoner to this earth; I am the revelation of the Son and the Son is the revelation of the Father2 and the image of the Father; anyone who has the grace and sees the Son, sees the 1That is the door of the heart. 2 “To have seen Me is to have seen the Father.” (Jn. 14:9.) Father, 3 and anyone who perceives My Holiness perceives the Son and the Father, come and inherit the Way; We will carry your mind and soul and heart in Us to live in Us and flourish you, breaking all the boundaries that held you prisoner to this world; come! come and inherit Our Splendour; We will carry you, like the bridegroom who carries his bride over the threshold into his nuptial chamber, We will carry you too into Our Kingdom and I shall pour on you and sate you with My ineffable blessings; 4 to maintain you alive I shall teach your spirit to cry out to the Father: “Abba!” I will teach you to live in Us, move in Us and breathe in Us; I shall teach you that we are Life and in Us you will not cease to be; Blessed is the one who passionately desires You for he will possess You, and thus will be thrice blessed. Marvel of my life, what have I done to possess You? Immortal Splendour, Indescribable to express with words, what have I done so that You unite me to You? (Christ spoke:) I wanted you to become My companion in Love; come; November 9, 1994 My Vassula, I give you My Peace; listen and write: 3 “Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me?” (Jn. 14:10.) 4Gifts.