True Life in God Messages

776 True Life in God Notebook 74 meaning of the Psalm you have read? 1 I have guided your hand to reach and read this part of Scriptures; But why do these people attack without studying my case, reading Your message or even meeting me to talk things over? because this people approaches Me2 drunk with spite, every vision, every word uttered by Me will continue to be sealed so that My prodigies appear to them as nonsense; have I not said that only the lowly will rejoice at the sound of My messengers’ footsteps? this is the reason they do not hear or understand when I talk; they look at one another without understanding, for in them I have put a sluggish spirit .... so, in their case, this prophecy of Isaiah is once more being fulfilled: “to the seers they say, ‘see no visions’; to the prophets, ‘do not prophesy the truth to us’;” 3 and now to you I put these questions: are you still willing to be My Echo? are you still willing to continue carrying My New Song4 in your mouth? and are you still willing to bear the Cross of Unity with My Son, Jesus Christ? YESLord! soul! fall into My Arms! 5 (Suddenly, Jesus’ Voice was heard.) daughter! your generous heart will satisfy My thirst! 1Ps. 38:11-22. 2 When Saul was persecuting the Christians and Jesus appeared to him, Jesus did not ask him: “why are you persecuting the Christians?” He asked him: “why are you persecuting Me?”, and then: “I am Jesus, and you are persecuting Me.” When I’m attacked it is God they attack since this work is not mine. 3 Is. 30:10. 4Rv. 14:3. 5The Father's Voice was joyful. (Then, the Holy Spirit, touched, also spoke:) blessed one, I will complete in you My Work and I will continue to set springs to gush in ravines; I will supply each soul with everlasting water; (Immediately after the Holy Trinity spoke, there was a quick exchange of embraces. The Father hugged me, then the Son and then the Holy Spirit. At this exchange of embrace my soul never felt in more and total collaboration than at this instant, with my heavenly Family. I felt I belonged to them and to no one else.) (The Father now spoke again.) daughter, if you are willing to obey My Will, I shall wield My authority across these people through obedience6 and end the Apostasy; to maintain the holiness of My Name I shall take each one by the sleeve and ask them: “are you the child of the Father?” and when our eyes will meet they will cry out to Me: “my Father! am I still worthy of You? I have sinned, I have become a leper, a degenerate shoot of the Vine, because of my disloyalty to You I have died and decayed long ago!” (The Son spoke:) but I am the Resurrection; I alone am Wisdom, you are part of My Church too and I can use you; I can heal you and appoint you too as a witness; I have the power to make you a light for the nations so that My Salvation Plan reaches the ends of the earth; 7 today, I shall send you My Holy Spirit to breathe Life in you and restore you; 6That is by our obedience. 7 Is. 49:6.