True Life in God Messages

Notebook 74 True Life in God 775 (The icon above represents on the left side St Peter and on the right side St. Paul. They are holding together, like two pillars, the Church. Within it is the Meal: the H. Eucharist (in my vision the River of Life) Above them is Christ the High Priest and the Head of the Church.) October 25, 1994 The nearer you go to God, the nearer He will come to you. flower, I, Jesus, bless you; pray, converse with Me and love Me; be with Me in this way; it is My enthusiasm to do this work with you; let it be your enthusiasm too; Your conversation is sweetness itself and You are altogether adorable. 1 allow Me, Shoot-of-the-Vine, to be graceful to you and offer you My Heart so that you inherit My glory and wealth; approach Me, you who desire Me, and I shall feed you offering to you My Heart in the hidden form of the Eucharist to transfigure you into a living tabernacle; inherit Me .... you will be good now and write down My previous messages; I, Jesus, love you, and bless you; ic; (Later on, I approached our Eternal Father.) My Lord, my Creator, I love You. love Me and also feel loved by Me; stay near Me and let your heart retain everything that I have given you; 2 with Me you will learn; allow Me to proceed 1Sg. 5:16. 2Although my memory is very imperfect, and am by nature forgetful, it is not the same when God teaches me. He only has to show me once something and I can never forget it. with My Plan, giving Me more of your time; Am I obstructing You in Your Plan? (He lowered His gaze on me, looking straight at me.) can one so small be a hindrance to the Almighty? A microbe can be a nuisance to someone much bigger than the microbe. Vassula, you have not understood the meaning of ‘small’, nor have you grasped the meaning of My Mind; 3 you delight Me .... come, do not be so obstinate; rejoice in Me and take courage; Yahweh? I Am; I am your Father; grasp the meaning of My Words; have you not heard how I stunt the tall trees and allow the small ones to grow? come, you have still much to learn .... I bless you and the mission I entrusted you with; (Later on:) Lord, because You have given me an inch or two of Life and commanded me to repeat what You have given me, from that moment on my life is threatened. How many have hatched calumnies on me? For no reason, they attack me, arraigning me for doing what I’ve been commanded to do. Why these plots against me? peace be with you; I shall not desert you; fear not; have you understood the 3 I felt that the Lord was amused.