True Life in God Messages

772 True Life in God Notebook 74 how it pleases My Father to give you Wisdom .... so do not be unaware of all these blessings; do not say: “where is my Jesus?” My beloved, I am all the time with you, My gaze constantly on you; allow Me to progress you spiritually and extensively; allow Me to flee now and then from the wickedness of the world and rest in your heart; in your silence, I take My rest; in your fidelity, I am King because what I receive is: honour and praise; and in your love, I am glorified; Lord, you have schooled me, giving me strength; You have addressed me and Your words lifted me. My food is You. Why give this gift of light to someone so wretched? because I was struck by your wretchedness; had I found someone weaker than yourself I would have chosen him or her; your wretchedness compels My Mercy to immerse you; your wretchedness makes Me shake My Head .... weaker and more wretched than you I cannot find ... there is no one! how else would I have worked if I would have had to face rival after rival inside you? I find none .... and would there be any arising, as they would be coming I would blow them away with My Breath; so allow Me to hold your right hand in Mine .... do you feel happy, My Vassula? Yes! Very! I love you for having allowed Me to prosper you and, through you, others; never fear, My beloved; so all I say to you now is: love Me, write and continue to glorify Me by witnessing; I am the Author of True Life in God and I shall prove it by appearing in your place; it is My Father's gift to you and to others; October 24, 1994 Vassula of My Sacred Heart; 1 would it please were I to say: Vassula of the Pantocrator? 2 you are dedicated under My Name; I am One3 and the Same, but men have parcelled Me out; he who sows division reaps a harvest of destruction; he who sows prejudice reaps a harvest of folly; have you not heard, that the fool folds his arms and eats his own flesh away? all the flesh that was covering them is gone and their breath too, nothing remains out of them but dry bones; My Names are Holy, 4 but men have patronised Me and have expelled Me from My Own House, My Own City and now from My Own Sanctuary: 5 they are oppressing Me and weighing heavily on Me; overweening with pride, they are content to live in a desert; but I mean in these coming days to display the Holiness of My Great Name which is, because of your division, profaned; I tell you, daughter, do you see how your people are living undisturbed and in an appalling lethargy when it comes to work for unity? 6 I will allow no more of this; I am going to reach out My Hand even to the remotest parts of your nation and overthrow these traders7 that hinder My people to unite; I have raised you to be a sign of unity, a sign of My Mercy, a sign of My Power, but the passions of 1 I was thinking that by calling me in this way, the Orthodox will continue to turn against me because the terminology is Roman Catholic. 2Greek Orthodox terminology. 3He is the Same Christ. 4 Christ’s different Names, e.g. Pantocrator, Divine Heart, Ichthus, Alpha and Omega, Immanuel etc. 5 Not only Christ is “thrown out” from His Own House because of a question of terminology, but in the West some have started to abolish the Perpetual Sacrifice. 6 The Greek Orthodox ‘skipped’ many of the ecumenical meetings. 7 ‘Traders’ signify in this context, those who look after their interests and not Christ’s.