True Life in God Messages

Notebook 74 True Life in God 771 set to work, My seed, and I will be with you; I have provided you already with a flame that no one will be able to extinguish; I shall increase My prodigies on you; I have, in My Own treasury many more; I will give My prodigies according to the measure you will receive from your oppressors: My Son will appear in your place, revealing Himself to your society; can anyone say I am depriving them of signs? can anyone say I am not the Author of My saving and healing acts? can anyone complain I am keeping My right Hand hidden? who could be but Me who gives a king’s banquet in this wilderness? 1 who could split the rocks in the wilderness, quenching your thirst with unlimited water, 2 if it is not done by Me? open your eyes, generation, and concentrate on My marvels; and you, daughter, since I have set you free, guide My people into My House; unite My people into My House, where they, too, will obtain their freedom; unite My people into one heart; follow this commandment: let your lips bear witness to My Graciousness; enliven this dying flame3 and continue to build My altars4 and My House; no one will besiege My tent; 5 there is an angry legion of demons who hide beneath other tents6 to go and uproot the hopes I have given you and fill you with terror, but disease will devour their flesh and worm will be their cover .... have My Peace and never cease 1 ‘A King’s banquet’ stands for signs, prodigies from God, miracles and His Holy Spirit’s works, so lavishly poured on us. 2 ‘Split the rocks’ stands for God’s power who can send His Holy Spirit like a River in the wilderness we have created. 3 It means: this dying generation. 4Altars stand for souls. 5 This means that no one will invade my soul (tent), because it is the dwelling place of God and His property. 6 The word ‘tent’ again stands for ‘soul’. God means that demons use people to perform their work. praying for the unconverted; 7My Heart pains Me, My child, for I see to the ends of the earth and what I see is not according to My Heart's desires .... your Father rules everything, but not your freedom .... and man has perverted his freedom .... beloved, pray so that those who are dying will have time to redress themselves; every drop of love is used for their salvation; many who are beneath the rubble are still breathing, 8 so pray for them that I refresh their soul; remember, you are freed to free those from the rubble; come, I, Yahweh, love you, I bless you; October 20, 1994 Lord? I Am; look Vassula, My purpose of raising you is still the same: My Father and I visited you, educated you, yes! I have raised you up; can you say today that your knowledge came from men? or from having studied theology? Glory be to God, all I have learned comes from You. My Father and I will continue to scandalise your philosophers and the haughty of your society through Our Works and by the poor instruments We choose; I delight in teaching you; yes, I still delight in giving you My noble Knowledge; ah Vassula, 9 if you knew 7Right there I felt God very sad and as someone who was weary. Then like a father who shares his pain and confides his sorrow to his child, God explained to me the reason of His sadness on what follows. 8 I also understood: barely breathing. 9Jesus sighed.