True Life in God Messages

770 True Life in God Notebook 74 was a murderer from the beginning and a liar, and now he is worshipped as a father; the honours are given to him instead; in your days, they bow low before his works and in this way, your generation has drawn down punishment on themselves; your countries are infested by legions of unclean spirits that roam everywhere; Satan, today, is tempting even the elect of God; this is why trouble is coming to this generation who constructs its towers with innocent blood1 and founds its homelands on crime; this sacrifice2 alone pleases Satan .... put your trust in the Most High, child, and encourage people to ask for My intercession; I, Saint Michael, the archangel of God, will never weary of defending the Truth; stand your ground, 3 even though the Enemy's blows on you can be traumatic, I am with you; enjoy the favour of the Most High; 1Abortion legalised in many nations. 2 The abortion pleases Satan, because Satan needs human sacrifice to gain power, and so abortion is practised daily with so many not even being aware that it becomes a free-giving cult to the Devil. The devil thirsts for blood and he gets it now from the innocent. 3 St. Michael was trying to tell me to ‘copy’ him, that means, never to get weary of writing or feel discouraged in spite of the blows I receive. (The Lord speaks:) be in peace; come close to Me and feel My Peace; I will never abandon you; I will help you so that My Heart triumphs in you; do not allow Satan to delude you by doubting; I will increase My Signs on you to honour My Name I shall do these things; October 18, 1994 My little child, I am Yahweh, your Eternal Father; far, far beyond this maddening lot, 4 I have taken you, to be present in My Courts; be persistent in your work and offer Me all your oppressors; say: “Father, in your Righteousness, deliver me from the lying tongue, come quickly, God, in Your great Love; answer me, my Yahweh;” and I am now saying to you: My child, My child, even if there were to be tens of thousands posted by My Enemy against you, do not fear, beside you I am to defend you; My Presence is your Shield; who is like unto Me? to whom can you compare Me? with whom can you assess Me? My Presence is Splendour and Majesty; let no man oppress you; it is you, My child, who shall restore My sanctuaries5 for Me; I have not appointed you for your fame, but for blessing My Name; I have not risen you for your glory but for Mine; I have given you a disciple’s tongue to proclaim My Salvation Plan day after day .... 4My oppressors. 5 ‘Sanctuaries’ here stands for: ‘souls’.