True Life in God Messages

Notebook 73 True Life in God 767 My Eyes watch over those who love Me and who, in spite of their imperfections, carry out My fervent desires; come then together, and together lay the Table to honour Me; you know the taste of My Cup and My Bread; both of you have been tasting My Meal; the third tongue though does not yet fully know Me, but you, you have been keeping My Tradition, you have been unshakeable; 1 have you not heard: “brothers and allies are good in times of trouble; better than either, generosity to the rescue”; 2 hasten the day, for My Glory; from the East I will hasten a generous heart who in its loyalty will seal a covenant of peace with the West; My Sovereignty was split in two and from thereon into splinters .... how glorious you were in your earlier days! come and rebuild My House into One by unifying the dates of Easter .... there are two Sisters that My Soul rejoices in and loves, although surrounded by a crowd of their brothers, who would not listen to them, even though their soul3 has never been so close to death, they would not listen; I, Myself, therefore, will bring the two together to honour My Name and pronounce My Name around one altar, and immediately after, the brothers all together will complete the ceremony; I have been looking with displeasure on these proceedings in My House and I tell you: a traitor will bind My Law and My Tradition and subdue the pillar that honoured Me in the West; a census will take place without consulting Me; their hearts are set to remove this pillar before I bring together the pillar from the Church of the East and consolidate My tottering House, they are set to inherit what does not belong to them; how can 1Unshakeable on the Tradition. 2Si. 40:24. 3The brothers’ soul. they forget that I search every heart to know what it devises? My Spirit is longing to bring you together so that My people, who today walk in darkness, will see My Light, and those lying in the valley of death may resurrect; October 6, 1994 Do I do any good? Am I devout to You my Lord? (I caressed His hair on His portrait of the Shroud and kissed His hair and wondered whether these things offended Him.) Do I offend You? no; I like it; 4Vassula .... ah Vassula, how long will it take you to understand Me? 5 My Love is Infinite! .... now My child, everything you do for My Interests is for My Glory; do what you can and I will do the rest; never fear; I know how much you can give, so anything that will lack, I will give and fill up the rest; I and you, we, us, remember? so be in peace; Love is with you; ic; October 9, 1994 Lord, I trust You. You are my Advisor. What a gift! What a gift to be able to serve a King! Open my heart to give ear to Your knowledge so that I make Your teachings known to everyone. Vassula, peace be with you; have I not written with you more than a hundred note-books6 for all of you, to teach you 4He saw my hesitation. 5Jesus said this with great humour. 6 This message is written in the 74th notebook, without counting 74 other notebooks that are my private messages and around five more of my angel’s messages.