True Life in God Messages

766 True Life in God Notebook 73 more have to be accomplished when they say: “I shall strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered;” 1 however, obey this shepherd no matter what happens, remain faithful to him and to no one else; your shepherd will be struck .... and the wails of My people will pierce the heavens; when nothing but rubble will become of My city, the earth will be riven and rent and will sway; while all this is happening before your eyes, a spark will burst out from the East; a loyal hand will stretch out from the East to defend My Name, My Honour and My Sacrifice; while blasphemies will be pouring out from the Beast's mouth, a heart will be offered from the East to save this Brother who will be the prey of the Evil one; and while treaties will be breaking, prophets repelled and killed, a noble voice from the East will be heard: “O Irresistible One, render us worthy of Your Name; may You grant us to be one in Your Name ....” – Satan is on his way to My Throne; summon your communities and tell them that I, Jesus, will dress your wounds when the time comes; our Two Hearts will be your only refuge in the days of your distress; so dearly loved by Me, listen and understand: I want you to be courageous, do not fear in the days of this great tribulation, continue to defend My Word, My Tradition and do not accept frills and human doctrines which My Enemy, with his pen, will add and sign; His signature will be in blood taken from infants used for their murdering initiations, these initiations for his promotion! 2 .... 1Zc. 13:7. 2 “His signature will be in blood”: since so many nations have legalised abortion, it is easier for Satan to obtain power. Abortion is a hidden form of murder, thus giving Satan a cult, since it is human and while, My friends, you will all be waiting for the Dawn, while treaties will be breaking and when Rebellion will be reaching its bursting point, lift your eyes and watch the East, watch for the Dawn; watch for the Light that will rise from the East; watch for the completion of My Plan; while the thirsty man with his throat parched will be looking for water, I, in all My Splendour and Sovereignty, will descend upon you like a River with My New Name;  October 5, 1994 My Vassula, follow My rules; My rules are to: reveal My riches to all mankind and to allow My Spirit to be your only Guide; do not lose courage, My Love will sustain you; listen and write: My earnest wish is that the West and the East meet; I need those two pillars3 of My Church to come together and consolidate My Church; My Church cannot stand firm with only one pillar; I have commissioned them to safeguard My Church; but scarcely had I returned to the Father than your division took place, and My Body was torn by the creatures’ hand that My Father created; since then, I was shaken by terrible sights; today, any delicacy from the part of My creatures to restore My tottering House touches Me profoundly; any step towards unity, all heaven rejoices; any prayer offered for the restoration of My Body, My Father’s wrath diminishes; any gathering in My Name for unity, My blessings are poured out on those sharing these meetings; sacrifice. To give power and promote the enemy, Satan demanded this hidden form of human sacrifice. 3The West and the East.