True Life in God Messages

764 True Life in God Notebook 73 in My Heart lie many treasures and I have shown now those inexhaustible riches to you; I love you, never doubt of My Love; I had once said that this Treasure would be reserved for your times, these times when humanity is at its lowest and when in its so deplorable state, the Beast would be permitted to tempt all of you; this is why I am asking you to pray more, to fast and to follow My rules; open your heart to Me and die to yourselves; and you, daughter, remain in Me; accept your accusers and I will lift your soul to Me; never judge, never weep over material things that do not last, be good and holy; I will teach you to be perfect if you allow Me, My Vassula; continue to announce and proclaim the riches of My Heart to those to whom I send you and do not be afraid of your accusers, leave those to Me, My child; see how much more you have to improve? by the way you live you will be able to attract others too to know Me; (Then he spoke to the prayer group of Rhodes.) I want each one of them to remember always that I have raised them by grace; none of them merited any of My Graces, this is why I want them to read from Scriptures the parable of the publican and the Pharisee, so that their zeal does not turn to bigotry; learn that no one is good but God; no one of you is perfect yet; you have still very much to learn: you have to learn the patience of the Father, the love and the meekness I show to you all, the absolute holiness and tenderness of My Holy Spirit; this is all for now, daughter; bless Me and love Me; I, Jesus, bless you, pupil of Mine;  August 23, 1994 My Lord? I Am; little one, have My Peace; I have come to you to find some consolation in your heart; I have in My Heart a wound which is unbearable .... today the followers of the Beast are profaning Me in the Sacrament of My Love; Love is betrayed, spat upon and walked over; I am now in their wicked hands; do you know what that means? My Perpetual Sacrifice is in their hands; they are stoning Me and between them swore to abolish Me from within My Tabernacle; look! the day is near when they will officially declare that I should be abolished from within My Tabernacle and erect in My place an empty cymbal; ... and Daniel’s prophecy will be fulfilled; daughter, never weaken in your faith and your fidelity, never sleep, never doubt; rest Me, My beloved, rest Me .... ic Generation! You cannot say, no, never can you say to your Redeemer: “I am lying all alone on my own soil with no one to lift me up,” when His Day comes. When with Fire, generation, you will be struck, burning and scorching, and your gardens will wither as well as your vineyards, do not say to your Redeemer: “bring me something to eat and to drink”, for it is now you will have to repent and stop fanning what is evil. And as for the godless who profane our Lord’s Perpetual Sacrifice and have Death as their friend, the Fire will rage fiercer than ever on you, unless the Lord hears from you your cry of repentance.