True Life in God Messages

762 True Life in God Notebook 73 and ashes but Mine, with a soul and a heart; come Paraskeví, 1 I will preserve your sight; August 10, 1994 My Peace I give to you; I am the Lord and willingly I am providing you with food from heaven; write, My dove, write these words from Scriptures, “if you remain in Me and My Words remain in you, you may ask for whatever you please and you will get it!” 2 listen and write: in mercy I have pitied you and this is why I am here to instruct the uninstructed and to give My Law to the lawless; I shall continue to feed this generation on the heritage of My Father in Heaven; the Bread that cures you comes from above; the Bread of instruction descends from heaven, from My Father’s stores; no one should say: “I have nothing to eat;” here I am offering it to you so that you do not get tempted to eat what is vile and deadly, that which comes from the root of the world; My Spirit is offering you Life and peace; I am writing these few words to you through My flower, 1 Paraskeví is my second name. Paraskeví in Greek means Friday. This name, which is a common name in Greece, was added by my mother in honour of Saint Paraskeví, who is the saint for healing eyes. When I was born, my eyelids were stuck together. My mother was not sure if I had any eyes. She prayed to Saint Paraskeví making a vow to call me with her name. After three days my eyes opened. 2Jn. 15:7. Lord, some of the Greek Orthodox clergy do not believe it is You who speaks because You use the word ‘flower’ to call me. I know, but have they not read: “... the flower of their offspring had perished ....” 3 for these I say: “open your heart and you will receive Light and you will believe;” now they are like a pitiful lot wandering in shadows and gloom; in My Mercy I overlook many of their misdeeds, to give them time to repent! come, My friend, I have not forgotten what you have offered Me that day; the days are coming closer to this instant when I can make good use of your offer; 4 until then I shall prepare you; My appearances will continue on you so that I encourage you; ah, My child, what will I not do for you? – in the Tenderness of His Love, My Father covered your path with sapphires; a King, yet so motherly, a Judge, yet so tender and loving, the Alpha and the Omega, yet so meek; come, I and you, we? us? Yes! speak in My Name, this pleases Me and honours Me; Lord, I love You and I enjoy every minute of Your Presence. Me too; I take delight in speaking to you in this manner; This is constant, my Lord. Any time and anywhere I will be. It is always there with me this gift, isn’t it? yes! this is what the Father and I offered you; ah Vassula, one day you will appear in the Courts of My Father together with 3Ws. 18:12. 4Read message of August 8, 1994.