True Life in God Messages

760 True Life in God Notebook 73 cannot serve two masters; the master of the world and Me; I, who am the Master of the Heavens; remind them that they should put in practice what they have been taught by Me; do not prefer your own pleasure to God; I am Holy and I want you to live holy; you must keep steady all the time and not at times ..... the devil is prowling around you and has sworn to deceive you all! pray for your priests1who are ever so weak; they look without seeing and listen without hearing, in this state they are depraved in mind, therefore, deprived of this Message; do not then be surprised that they mistrust the lot of you and argue on My Words; they are as dear to Me as you are and I love them as much as I love all of you; respect them and pray for them; I will conclude by telling you: keep My Holy Rules and abstain from the things the world is offering you; do not give the Enemy a chance; do not feed yourselves on things that are not holy, this is My second warning; the first was spoken through the mouth of she who writes down My Love Hymn .... be upright and self-controlled so that you remain in My favour, these are My conditions of following Me; do not oblige Me to tell you one day: “you were not upright”; now, you are well aware of My conditions, if you are subject to Me, follow Me; do not ever wreck the work I have done on others; 2 repent! and seek truthfulness; I tell you truly: those who behave like pagans will have their share because they do not only behave like pagans but even applaud others who join them; if I, who love you, do not reprimand you, who will? if I have given you all these instructions it is so that I refresh 1Those especially on the island of Rhodes. 2Tempt the newly converted back into sin. your memories and remind you that I Am is Holy; ic; (Is. 63:3: “Of the men of my people not one was with me.” Since the prayer groups of Greece have not a spiritual director (priest) because no one wants to shepherd them, Jesus Christ Himself comes to shepherd them. All the priests turned against the two prayer groups, calling them heretic.) August 8, 1994 Look, my God, I have been picked up by Your good pleasure to become Your living tablet, Your echo and Your harp. Since I know, my Eli, that Your thoughts are above my thoughts and Your ways are above my ways, as the heavens are high above earth, come and examine me thoroughly. Come and check my heart, test me with Your Fire and use Your arrows freely on me. Make sure that I am not on my way to disaster. Guide my step on the road that leads to Your Eternal Domain, for I long to walk in Your Celestial Courts one day! how I love your spirit .... My pleasure is to continue to use you as My tablet, My echo and My harp; however faint your sound may be, I will do the rest; I promise you that I shall display My glory to all nations through you; stand aside and allow Me to step in; I tell you, many will recognise Me in these Messages as the Most High; .... and I shall bring even pagans to desire Me; 3 My Spirit, like a soft breeze will touch them; I shall go to countries that never held My Name Holy; I will speak to people who never called Me or invoked My Name; 3 That means: to follow the greatest Commandment of God.