True Life in God Messages

Notebook 72 True Life in God 757 this Friday on bread and water to relieve His Heart; offer Christ this sacrifice; “I have indeed called you here to honour the Most High and I, the archangel, Saint Michael, am mightily touched by your visit; My hands are in full battle and My arm is constantly raised to keep evil away .... pray to Me as you do and encourage others too to do the same; the Enemy of God weakens with this prayer; 1 “praise God and no one else; lift your heads to God and to no one else; love God with all your heart and soul; do not fall into temptations; ponder on all the good things you receive from the Most High and bless Him; “and now come and visit Me again; 2 I love you;” Saint Michael, God’s Archangel; July 19, 1994 (Rhodos) Lord? I Am; allow Me to be with you, 3 set your heart right and behave according to My Heart; I am present; I feel that I am far behind You in this race and almost losing sight of You. Am I an obstacle perhaps in Your divine plan? Am I slow? Am I unfaithful? Am I giving honours on earthly things? ah, you are weak, yet My Plan in you will be accomplished because of your thirst for Me; remain small so that everyone around you may notice My Greatness .... do all you can and I will do the rest; 1The small prayer to St. Michael (Pope Leo XIII). 2 In Saint Michael’s Church on the island. 3 In dictation. Reassure me now from the Bible, please. very well, then, open the Bible; 4 yes, be eager to receive My Word; it is your nourishment and it keeps you alive; Vassula, My Heart bleeds when I see you sad .... feel My pain .... I want you to remain in My Peace and My Joy; do not fret and do not get upset on things that do not last! for My sake now, go to Saint George’s Church and pray the rosary; I want you to set your hope on Me for I am rich in happiness; generous too in giving it; amass all that is good from Me and fill your soul from Me who am the Source of your happiness; I possess the only true Joy and Life that lasts and is real; rely on My compassion and stop feeling guilty; I already have forgiven you; remember, although you have progressed you are still learning and you are still My pupil; Not the best one though. no; but I love you; I shall fortify you, pupil, so cling to Me; I, Jesus, will help you; ic; July 22, 1994 (On the island of Patmos) Lord, rescue the weak and save the wretched of this world. peace be with you; grace is upon you; daughter, My sighs from My Heart are continuous; the humble, the wretched and the innocent have heard Me and they are the consolers of The Consoler; Faithful-Love is among you all but not everyone sees Me; I am putting all My Heart into this5 Love Hymn, I am putting all My Heart into hymns out of 4 I did and I read. 5True Life in God.