True Life in God Messages

Notebook 72 True Life in God 753 June 24, 1994 (Congress in Ottawa) (Before speaking to the youngsters: message that was read out to them.) O Lord, my Life, my Joy, my Smile, my Plenitude, my Rock, my Salvation, my Sweet Torment, let Your arrows fly on Your Target; in the path You prescribed for me, I find Your Presence, the Reward of Your arrows, and, on walking, You fill my soul with living waters, so, what more could I ask? display then My marvels and My kindness to this wretched generation; I am glorified every time you pronounce My Name with love; I love you, My pupil; tell them1 to allow Me to become their personal Teacher, their welfare, their guide, their counsellor and mostly their Holy Companion; My Law is a Law of Love, My Law is a Law of Hope; but the evil one contradicts the Truth; if you wish, My child, you can be taught through My Own Lips! do not be ashamed to confess your sins, My good pleasure is to forgive you; I shall show My sweetness towards your weakness because My Love for you is Infinite; I tell you: soon, very soon, God will indeed be coming to live among you; I bless each one of you leaving the Sigh of My Love on your forehead; 1The youngsters. June 26, 1994 My Lord? I Am .... why are you dwindling away like a shadow? It looks like I have become an object of derision ... I know when someone avoids me; how many more malicious things will they say about me? Even in return for my friendship, they denounce me, though all I had done was Your Will: I pray for them, sacrifice for them. Will You not defend my innocence? do not fear for I am near you; allow these things to happen, for with this sacrifice I obtain souls who are on the road to perdition; ah Vassula .... one day I will show you the vast multitude of souls I saved through the wounds your detractors imposed on you and through your acts of reparation .... My Love for souls passes every possible understanding and I tell you, My thirst for wretched souls is great! how can I then remain indifferent, My Vassula? how? when hordes of nations fall into apostasy and rebellion? today’s rebellion is even greater than the Great Rebellion known in the past; 2 does a shepherd abandon his flock? I am your Shepherd and I love My little flock; now, I and you will continue to work together; your work is not in vain and My Heart delights every time your lips pronounce My Name; every fibre of My Heart loves you; ....come, lean on Me and satisfy My thirst by bringing Me souls, and I shall continue to send you in every nation to proclaim My Love Hymn; and upon you, My myrrh, My shadow will confirm the 2Allusion to Ps. 95.