True Life in God Messages

752 True Life in God Notebook 72 away from me, I am nothing and am paralysed; wholeheartedly I now entreat You to help me. blessed of My Soul what would I not do for you .... so be it, My little companion, My Spirit will be upon you, not only because you have asked, but because My Name will be glorified through your mouth; My Teachings will open a broad highway so that many will be able to walk in it; I am your best Friend and I shall help you always;  June 21, 1994 (Toronto) My Lord and my Shepherd, in Your kindness multiply Your noble vineyards, let there be more workers in them to proclaim Your Royal Authority, then, every nation will see Your Glory! peace, My child; when these heavens will be rolled up like a scroll1 and the earth will wear away they will see My Glory; all of those remaining will gaze on your King; your eyes will see My Sovereignty; I shall not cease calling to My children until I restore Jerusalem;  (Later on:) Lord? I Am; peace, My child; Yahweh is with you, and I bless you; 1As in my vision. have Me locked in your heart – come My child, your race is not over and although your Abba is sometimes testing you, 2 you are never alone; be patient and I will continue to instruct you and give you My directives, for I am determined to revive My children and bring them out of their lethargy; I will take their atrophy in consideration and I will be charitable to them; the Amen is at your very doors; Salvation is at hand’s reach; come; June 22, 1994 My God? I Am; peace be with you; know that what I have given you as task is beyond your normal strength, but do not forget that I am your Strength; without Me you would never manage .... look! I have spread My Message in every nation; I gave an order in heaven and My word flashed on earth; tell Me, at whose command were you raised up? and who withstood the might of My command? I have raised you to be My witness and through your mouth heal the broken hearts, raise the dead and be a menace to My enemy; on you I will continue to engrave with My Finger My Love Hymn; come;  2By not feeling His Presence.