True Life in God Messages

750 True Life in God Notebook 72 remain, daughter, in Me; do not be astonished anymore; 1 remember, all that I have to say will be said: all the people who will have to hear will hear; I enjoy sharing My plans with you; this Work is not yours but Mine; I just need your will and your consent to complete My Work; are you still willing to remain the instrument of My desires? Yes, Lord, You know I want to remain with You. I bless you, daughter, I love you; My Heart rejoices to hear your consent; not that I doubted, but it pleases Me to hear, from the one I have raised, these words; ic; June 18, 1994 (Stockton, California) (Before the meeting in the Cathedral.) My Lord? I Am; 2 lean on Me; this is My assembly; it is I who opened the doors for you to glorify My Name; so do not worry about what you will say; My Spirit will be upon you; I shall speak with authority through your mouth, yes; you shall be My Echo! and I will pour My treasures on this wretched generation to enrich their spirit with My Spirit; I will fill their mouths with My Celestial Manna; I will, Myself, give them prosperity and their soul will yield a divine harvest since the seeds will descend from Divinity; will I not give them life again to rejoice in Me? will I not grant them, as a 1My mind ‘reels’ now and then, thinking how His Messages took such amplitude in a short period and all He has given me. 2The Father answered. tender Father, My saving help? in their poverty I, Myself, shall guard them for I am faithful .... and I will raise them in their poverty to praise and hallow My Name; I am a God full of pity and My Heart can be touched; come and learn: - in the morning sow your seed of love; - at noon sow your seed of peace; - in the evening sow your seed of reconciliation; then go and collect your harvest and offer it to Me, your Father in Heaven, and I will tell you: “in your graciousness, My child, you have obtained your reward in heaven;” from above I call to you all: “come! come and make peace with Me, your God and you will have My Blessings; return to Me and you will live forever”; June 19, 1994 (Father’s Day. San Francisco) Yahweh, Creator and Father of all, I love You. There is certainly no Father like You. Father, I admit that we are hard in the heart and, ah, so distant from Your Loving Heart .... We cannot say that we have not heard about the greatness of Your Love, yet our ears have not been attentive and we have ignored You .... We have rebelled against You ...