True Life in God Messages

Notebook 72 True Life in God 749 June 13, 1994 (Gaithersberg, Maryland) (Very late at night after the conference. I was very tired but I went to Christ.) Lord? I Am; little one, have My Peace; I tell you, you have no idea how happy you make Me coming at this hour, seeking Me; I tell you, My Heart rejoices, My Vassula; I bless you from the core of My Heart; rest now My child; Jesus is My Name and I am near you;  June 14, 1994 (Greensville, South Carolina) (Jesus reassures me before the meeting.) lean on Me entirely; lift your head and look at Me: never forget that I am always with you; My Presence should satisfy you; I Jesus bless you; ic; June 15, 1994 (South Bend - Notre Dame) Lord? I Am; little one feel My Presence; I am the Rock of your salvation; allow Me to expand My dynasty, call and I shall answer you; Lord, why do You appear in my place so often now? I had been saying: to you I shall offer My Song and to prove My faithful Love I would give your society memories of My Holy Countenance .... since it is My Own Love Hymn to you all; and you daughter, My Harp, I allow My Light to cover you; since you allow Me to efface you, My wonder takes place; this is My gift to you; precious it is and you did not merit it, but it pleased the Father to give it to you for within it is His Seal; you allowed Us1 daughter, to lay Our Hands upon you, you allow Us still to dwell in you; Vassula, for no one has the Father done this; 2 no other has known this gift, a gift given to all of you through His Love Hymn; come, We3 are with you; Our blessings are upon you; June 17, 1994 O Come Lord, come and transfigure our wretchedness into Your Perfect Image. We are so far from what You call perfect! How are we ever going to join You in Your Kingdom with what we are now? I miss You very much .... have My Peace; I am the Vine and you are part of Me; allow Me to nourish you with My sap and you will live! I have instructed you with Wisdom to bear fruit in holiness; 1The Holy Trinity spoke. 2Jesus spoke. 3The Holy Trinity spoke again.