True Life in God Messages

748 True Life in God Notebook 72 love, I raise up the dead; 1 by your thirst for Me your God, you console Me and become a comforting balm for My wounded heart .... lift up your eyes, child, and look at the One who leans from above to lift you to Him; come, cities of Mine and join in one voice and in one heart the prayer I have taught you to say: (I pray.) I bless you from the core of My Sacred Heart; I bless you, leaving the Sigh of My Love on your forehead; be one;  June 11, 1994 (South Hadley, Massachusetts) My Lord? I Am; have My Peace; hear My Voice: daughter, I will infuse in you My Spirit and you shall open your mouth this evening and My Words will pour out like manna, feeding a multitude; I shall fill their mouths with My spiritual food and once filled they shall praise Me and glorify Me: tell them that the One who sits on a glorious throne calls out for peace, reconciliation and love; you want to extol My Name? then rise and go now and reconcile with your brothers, with your sisters; never would you be so near My Heart than in this moment of reconciliation .... disarm the enemy, defeat the divider for the rest of your days .... come, what I ask from you is love and I shall frown on you no more; blessed one, 2 every minute you give Me pleases Me, so I, Jesus, will preserve 1Spiritually dead. 2Jesus turned to me to speak to me. you from becoming elated; 3 ... do not deny now that you would rather rest than have My dictation4 .... It is true. I am very tired. just one word: Vassula, I desire to keep you in My Heart forever, so love Me .... Are You upset now, Lord? 5 no; I know how strained you are and your limits of strength; all I ask is love from you; have Me in your mind, your heart, and your sight, so that you accomplish with Me this work with a triumphant crown; delight Me and lean on Me; I raised you to glorify Me; I raised you so that I may say one day: “look! this is the one I selected to glorify Me with her love; this is the one I have espoused, My bride and My beloved, and on whom I have given My traits to testify for Love; this is the one whom My Holy Spirit endowed with Wisdom, anointing her with My Signature; 6 ah! how I delight to have raised her, for now I can acclaim that no one in her generation loved Me as much as she has; My desire has been fulfilled, My teachings were not in vain; I have done what I have done to honour My Name;” around you, My child, I Am is always with you; you are never alone and My Heart leaps with joy every time you utter My Name to glorify Me; let it be known that the Holy One is in command of everything and that I am an abyss of Mercy; I love you; be in peace: ic; 3Suddenly Jesus stopped and asked me the following very earnestly. 4 I was so tired and He knew it. 5Though He did not appear upset. 6That is when He appears in public in my place.