True Life in God Messages

Notebook 72 True Life in God 747 the Greatness of My Name and the depths of My Sublime Glory; “surely you know that you harvest what you reap; if you sow in a field of dissension you will get a harvest of feuds and rivalry; if you sow in a field of accusations you will get a harvest of selfcondemnation; if you sow in a field of calumny you will get a harvest of your own downfall out of it; sow the seeds of love in your field and you will harvest a return of love; sow in a field of forgiveness, you will get a harvest of mercy; do not self-appoint yourselves as judges, I am the Sole Judge .... “as before I am telling you: I do not come to condemn the world since I am here to save the world; I am here now to warn the world, so you who condemn so quickly and who crowned yourself as judge, I tell you: you have your Judge already!” tell those who ask you, daughter, if all is well, to stay awake, praying at all times for the strength to survive all that is going to happen; that will do; daughter, stand by Me faithfully and be in constant prayer; My child, I, Jesus, will help you in this extensive journey you will undertake for My sake; 1 I, Jesus, bless you and Fr. Michael; Love is near you; ic; June 7, 1994 (Our Blessed Mother gives a message to the prayer group of Rhodes, Greece.) have My Peace; I already said: I will return to them on Thursday in a special way, this is the way; I wish to tell them these words: you want to be perfect in beauty? gather as you do and pray together with Me, I say “together with Me” because while you 1 Several meetings in the USA and Canada and TV programs. are praying, I too am praying with you, My children; oh how your prayers console Me .... do not be afraid of human opposition, this has to come, but you have your arbitrator; it is I; uncovered you are not; My mantle covers Jesus’ little flock; be faithful to Jesus and to Me, group of Our Hearts; the wicked will have no power over you, My little ones; remain awake and watchful in prayer; We bless you all, daughters and sons of the Most High; June 10, 1994 (USA - Fairfield County) Lord? I’m at Your service. I Am; here I am, by your side I stand; put your hope in Me and securely you will stand; oh daughter, tell them, tell them that My Heart is an abyss of Love and Mercy; the Spirit whom I am sending you will remind you of the Truth and that I Am; listen and write: peace be with you; little children, My delight is in every pure heart; My joy is when I see your eyes seeking only heavenly things; My glory is when you come to Me and tell Me: “here I am .... here I am”, offering your heart to Me to transfigure it into My domain and then reign over it; My magnificence and My splendour are when you keep My sanctuary2 holy, turning it into a glorious domain for My majesty; My sovereignty is when in your wretchedness and in your poverty you can cry out: “hosanna! hosanna! to the King who saved us, for eternity!” .... this is My Glory .... by your sacrifice I make gardens out of deserts .... by your 2Our soul.