True Life in God Messages

746 True Life in God Notebook 71 doubt .... I have given you a Treasure into your hands, I have given you My entire Heart into your hands, what more could I have given you? since it is through My generosity I have raised you to enter this state of grace in which I keep you, tolerate your adversaries with love; have you not heard that sufferings bring patience? I tell you, they bring you closer to Me; I have poured into your heart through My Holy Spirit My intense Knowledge, a royal vestment, to be worn for My glory; I have appointed you to glorify Me; all that I have given you pleases Me and the Father; I delight to make you the delight of My Eyes, the joy of My Heart; in your simplicity My Soul rejoices! so do not refuse Me anything; instruct the unlearned and do not allow the evil one to rob the hours I want with you; 1 – instruction will lead many to become the delight of My Soul; in the end Our Two Hearts will defeat the Enemy and that transfiguration you have asked for will take place: I shall renew the face of this earth; I, Jesus bless you; ic; June 3, 1994 My Lord? I Am; little one, My Peace I give to you; daughter, many people come to you and ask: “is all well? what has Jesus to tell us these days?” daughter from Egypt, this is what you should say to these people: “Jesus tells you, generation, that you have still not recovered from your illness, you certainly have not recovered from your apostasy2 and there is more than a beam in your eye; 1 In dictation. 2The general Apostasy around the world. “generation, to this day, Love is rejected, yet in My Mercy, I wait patiently for the tribute you owe Me, your God; I wait patiently for all of you to attain the full measure of your sins before My Justice falls over you; let Me put it to you this way: return to Me and repent from your heart, change this desert that you have become, into a garden, into an Eden, love! love one another! “live the Gospel and do not crossexamine one another, look at your own beam first in your eye, pray without ceasing, live holy; do not allow your eyes to rest; reconcile with your brothers3and you will escape death; do not persecute all that is holy; confess sincerely and with your entire being, 4 do not delude yourself, 5 “the Creator tells you: despise all that is unholy, observe heaven and be witnesses of the Most High; give yourselves more to prayer and beg your Creator to be your Light and your Guide; “return to Me so that I may wash clean the sins you commit night and day; your illness is not incurable, although your guilt and your so many sins are like bitter plague on your soul, I can heal your guilt, I can forgive you and restore your whole body ... anyone who loves his life loses it; anyone who loses his life in this world will keep it for the eternal life; “many of you read My Messages but fail to understand the Heart of the Message, because you are not well rooted in Me; you follow the letter of these Messages but fail to penetrate in the core of the Message! I tell you solemnly, freedom is to be found in a rebirth from the Spirit, only then, when the Spirit opens your eyes will you know 3Term that means with everyone. 4Meaning also to mortify your body, by fasting. 5 It means, it is not enough to just go to confess for the sake of confessing, one must really feel the sins and be sincere while confessing.