True Life in God Messages

Notebook 71 True Life in God 743 I have been speaking, but the passions of the world are increasing and the guilt of this generation will come crashing down when I will come and purge the nations, then they will lift their heads and will look for My Spirit that will lead them into the full knowledge of the truth; this is why, daughter, you must intercede for the East and the West to meet and join their heart into one; this should be done before the Enemy subdues My Law and fertilises My Sanctuary with human doctrines and regulations; but it has been said that as there were false prophets in the past history among you, so you too will have your false teachers, who will insinuate their own disruptive views and disown the divinity of My Son, Jesus Christ; these false teachers intellectualise the Good News that had been given to you in all their richness; I tell you solemnly: beware of the Deceiver; the Deceiver will bring a different doctrine and will distort My Word and the Tradition that were passed on to you; so I am telling you, do not imitate the deceiver; from all that I have been writing to you, generation, using My instrument’s hand, heart and soul, do not be afraid from these deceivers, they are not gods and I am in every faithful heart; I will unleash a torrential rain of fire on this earth to burn her crimes, but I will rescue My people; May 31, 1994 My Lord? I Am; Vassula of My Sacred Heart, rejoice and realise how out of a withered tree I made a fruitful tree, giving life by just one of My glances; so rejoice, daughter; I Am is with you; do not fear, My child, listen and write: every Easter season I must drink from the cup of your division since this cup is forced on Me; but you too, daughter, will drink from it; you shall share with Me what is bitter – given by human hand; the more time passes for them to unite the dates of Easter, the more severe will be their sentence this generation will receive; My Return is imminent and woe to the unrepentant heart! woe to the divided heart! woe to the unreconciled heart! “they shall be thrown down to hell!” 1 today every member of My House who provokes Me and enshrines the disastrous abomination in his heart, will have his name erased from the Book of Life for having blasphemed; many of you, generation, listen to My Words but remain inactive in a spirit of lethargy; why do you allow yourselves to be defeated and conquered by your incredulity? your apostasy has coarsened your hearts and Isaiah’s prophecy to this day stands and is being fulfilled: “you will listen and listen again, but not understand, see and see again, but not perceive; for the heart of this nation has grown coarse, their ears are dull of hearing, and they have shut their eyes, for fear they should see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart and be converted and be healed by Me”; 2 repent! for the Kingdom of heaven is close at hand; look around you and see: one section of My Church has been blinded because of their rationalistic mind, a sluggish spirit settled upon them; today I am speaking through the mouths of 1Mt. 11:23. 2 Is. 6:9-10