True Life in God Messages

742 True Life in God Notebook 71 stood facing you, and ever so generously My Holy Spirit breathed on you the Breath of Life, the Breath of Resurrection; the Word then anointed you and His Royal Throne He established in you; and to honour His Crown in the dust, 1He raised you from dust, triumphing in you, becoming the flower of His Strength; you see, daughter, My Love works wonders for the dead .... then, I spoke in My sanctuary, 2 I split it open and marched with glory in My domain; I was the One who fortified you, city, so that Deception and Trickery would be unable to lead their armies against you; since you have been raised up to walk with a King3 in His triumphal procession; and now that I have resurrected you, you must give up entirely all that the world offers you; now that I resurrected you, do not look to your left nor to your right but only to the things above; let your thoughts be heavenly thoughts; aspire from Me and not from the dust; in your resurrection I have stripped you off from your worldly vestments and adorned your soul now with My impressive Vestments; yes, I have clothed you with Wisdom .... and the Image of the unseen God is now reflected on you to lead you into divinity; I have asked the Father to vest you with Myself so that I lead you into sanctification; free at last! .... and in this image I will draw My people into unity; be gentle and patient until the second resurrection; you received the Spirit of adoption through grace, this is why your lips are able to cry out: “Abba”, a grace enough to lead you to heaven; continue with zeal and confidence since I am your Holy Companion, and 1 “ the dust”, expression from our Lord which means “in you”, since we are made out of dust. 2 It means: God spoke inside me. 3Himself. even if you are hounded, endure it passively; I will progressively lift the veil covering your spirit so that you may be revealed with Me in the fullness of My Glory; I Am is with you; praise the Amen and live for Me; this was a brief reminder to remind you where I had found you; May 30, 1994 Yahweh, my Good Father, my soul yearns to live in Your House, O listen to my appeal! You who freed me to set me at large to display Your Holy Name to multiple nations and extol You with praises, tell me, my Good Father, tell me, when will I hide in the shadow of Your Wings? Have pity on me, the sinner, for I am a constant wretch, but by Your saving power, I know and I believe, You can lift me up. I promise that, ever hopeful, I will honour Your Name more and more, and my lips shall speak of Your marvels. O Father, as the heavens and earth acclaim You, for myself, come, in Your loving kindness, come, in Your great tenderness, come; come and make us one, Yahweh. Yahweh, why do You wait so long? Come now and heal our broken hearts. daughter, I love you; I will make you all one; see? and I will assemble you from far and wide and from every roadway, at the favourable time I will call; come near Me, My child, 4 and listen to this: from the beginning I have been watching you; 4 Here, Yahweh sounded very much like a tender father.