True Life in God Messages

Notebook 71 True Life in God 741 Me this desert; I Am is with you; stay cheerful and in peace for I am with you; Have You something to tell (....) Lord? for him? tell him: it is by faith that I led you into My redemptive plans and it will be by faith you will continue: I have put you to the test and I tell you: I know your activities, your love and the childlike faith; nevertheless, I have one complaint: I have given you strength and perseverance to help you (...) 1 yet how I wish you would consume it entirely! I have opened My Mouth and I have spoken; come, if you love listening you will learn; I, Yahweh, give you the Seal of My Eternal Love; I Am is with you; May 26, 1994 peace be with you; say these words to Me: My Jesus, You are my only Love in my heart, my only Hope in my life, my only Light in my soul, for this reason, remain with me, Christ; my guilt is overwhelming me, and I am sorry for having sinned, come and free me from all my sins, do not prolong Your silence, come and renew me, stir me with Your Wisdom and let Your Holy Spirit be my Ruler; amen; 1God was delicate not to write a few words, for fear of exposing this person. say it now to Me with confidence; I am standing before you, My Hand on you; I felt pity for you; keep My Rules securely in your heart and do not shudder when you see Me coming to you with My bow and arrows; My arm still has to shatter a few more rocks inside you; come and write with your Saviour; do not fear; it is I, Jesus Christ, your Wealth; ic; May 27, 1994 lean on Me, daughter; do not allow the dead2 to draw you back to them; have you eaten from My fruit? Yes, I have eaten Your Words and they are Life. and you have revived; I am the Resurrection; you have resurrected; 3 learn how My Spirit works; My Spirit was deeply moved to see you lying dead among the dead; together with others, you had plunged yourself to the bottom of the grave, in the darkness, in the depths of putrefaction; 4 part-of-MyBody, My City, you had ears but heard nothing; you had eyes but saw nothing; weighed down by your sins, you were choking in the dust among dust; 5 yet not one of you was born there; and I, seeing you in this misery, was filled with sorrow; My Eyes were worn out with suffering; I called to you all day, but not one of you listened to the sound of My pleading; to honour My Name and to honour the Hands that created you and held you firm, and for the sake of My Faithful Love, I revealed My Face to you and shone on you My Light; Sovereignty 2 Spiritually dead: meaning, the world should not tempt me and I should stay away from temptation. 3The Lord is talking about the first resurrection, the one of the spirit by the Holy Spirit. 4 I remembered just before my conversion I saw a vision of a leper. The leper was me. 5Jesus means the spiritually dead.