True Life in God Messages

738 True Life in God Notebook 71 calling you to return to Me and change your lives; I have been asking you for amendments, for repentance, for vigil of prayers; I have been asking you for incense, incense from your heart, oh! if you only knew how powerful and what splendour your prayers can be if they come from your heart! your prayers can destroy every evil empire in this world, they can uproot evil and break the ten horns1 devouring now the earth together with My children; your prayers can overpower evil forces, although these forces are powerful, your incense2 can purify this world; I tell you, grant yourselves no rest lest you be tested; be vigilant as never before; I will not desert you, I am with you all; I am with you to give you strength so that your breath does not fail you; I am with you seedlings of Mine, and am only waiting to be gracious to you and transplant you in My garden of delights; see, I Myself am taking up your cause to make sure you are not devoured by the Enemy; and you, My daughter, allow Me to use you as My weapon; I shall use you to strike the evil kingdoms of this world and he who governs them; Wisdom will instruct you; accomplish your daily duties; I, Yahweh, bless you; your Father and your Abba is near you; 1 Ten blasphemies against the Ten Commandments of God. 2Prayers from the heart. April 15, 1994 (I rushed just to be again, even for a few seconds, with God. I came running to Him.) Illustrious Majesty: I love You. ah Vassula, every remembrance of Me pleases Me .... I, Yahweh, bless you, My child and My Own; I am your Resource ... and Yahweh is My Name; April 19, 1994 Feed me with Your words, Lord, for I am sick with love for You. Vassula of My Sacred Heart, I said to My Celestial Court: “I will light a fire inside her soul, consume her, and make her Mine;” see? I have now conquered your heart and through you I have consumed with My fire many other souls; I have conquered them all! 3 I have not used ferocity nor have I taken anyone by force; I have only taken your hearts with a glance and with a spark from My Heart; I have said to My Father, to your Holy Mother, to the saints and to all the denominations of My Angels: “I intend to cover their frightful nakedness with My Love, but first I will have to lure this generation and lead one by one out into the wilderness where I will speak to their heart; I Myself shall save My children, then all mankind shall know that I, Jesus, am your Saviour;” keep faithful to Me and honour Me, My child; I have power to destroy all My enemies, see? Vassula, let Me free to tell you what I contain in My Heart; listen, I 3 Jesus’ Voice reached a high note, showing His excitement and joy.