True Life in God Messages

Notebook 70 True Life in God 735 and are My handiwork of beauty; I have My Plan, My beloved; ic; April 7, 1994 When I do not yet grasp this mystery, for a mystery it is to me to this very day, of Your choice for Your Plan, I know that all that has happened to me and is still happening is coming from Your Powerful Hand! Almighty One, You have stepped out of Your Holy Heaven and proceeded with mighty victories from Your Own right Hand. Ah Lord .... I Am; I am next to you; fear not, My child; allow Me to proceed with My Message and accomplish My designs in you - are you happy to be with Me in this way? Very! beloved, beloved of My Soul, have My Peace; the hardships that you carry on your back are given to you to amend for all the good I do not receive from this generation; I need victim souls to make reparations and, My child, you have given your consent so generously .... I belong to You. This is why, out of love, I have given You my consent. you are in My Hands and so you have nothing to fear; I will use you freely for My Own Designs and I shall open the way for you; I and you together, bonded with cords of love, will advance to conquer an irreligious people; grace will come in your meeting in Romania; precious little one, remember always one thing: I, Jesus, am with you; I love you My Own, My remnant; Love is permanently by your side; I bless you; come;  April 12, 1994 Vassula, write: I give you My Peace; listen to My Voice: would you like to serve your Master? Yes Lord, I want. are you willing to be generous to Me? Yes, my Lord. My friend, yes, you are My friend and so to you I will give the bread of understanding to eat and the water of My Spirit to drink; I will allow you to know my intentions and the invisible to become visible for you; write and tell the nations: creation, do not be locked in the same sleep for ever; I mean to display the holiness of My great Name among the entire earth, yes, even to the pagans I will display the holiness of My Name; 1 creation, the various crops are not what nourishes you and maintains you on your feet, but My Word, which preserves all who trust in Me; this is why I ask all of you to approach Me, you who love Me, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world! do not say: “Our Master is taking His time,” then set about sinning; what makes you believe you could remain unnoticed in your sin? if My Return comes slowly, wait, for come It will, and without fail; the Master will come on a day you do not expect; 1 I understood in a special hidden form, the Lord here was alluding to Mt 24.30: “And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven; then too all the people of the earth will beat their breasts.”