True Life in God Messages

734 True Life in God Notebook 70 Lord, to conquer souls for You, I would leave house, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children and Land. For the sake of Your Holy Name, I shall do these things and conquer souls for You. To save souls, My Holy One? Have You Yourself not trained me to carry a weight of eternal glory with delight and fervour, with dignity and without complaint? Has Your Own Son not trained me, for the sake of the salvation of my brothers and sisters, to offer my left cheek too when my right one is struck? Have You not, Master of the Universe, trained me to bear with joy , calumny and insult, for the salvation of every soul You Love? And have You not trained me Yourself, Father, not to plead my cause, nor open my mouth, when they persecute me and walk over my face? My Lord, My God, and my Father, I offer You voluntarily again my vows of fidelity to You, to Your Beloved Son, and Your Holy Spirit, wholeheartedly I offer You my vows. I would rob my hours of rest and sleep so that I may offer to my brothers and sisters through You, their Rest in Your Heavenly Courts should they be in need; I shall offer them all that I received from You and show them Your Love, to save them too should they need it. And for Your Son’s Body? I would continue to share the Cup of Division with Your Beloved Son, Jesus, to the last drop. Cup of Division offered by men’s doing to Him; oh, what would I not do for Unity! and for restoring Your House. I would eagerly tread in the same blood-stained Footprints of Your Son; and in the trail His Cross traced in the dust, I would place the Cross He Himself has given me. yes! daughter, let the zeal for My House devour you; do all that has to be done without complaining and you will see that you were not running in the race for nothing; you are not exhausting yourself in vain; I am with you and always will be; I, Yahweh, will give you enough strength to honour Me and gracefully accomplish your mission; March 28, 1994 peace be with you; I promise to progress you spiritually and in doing so I will as well progress through you many souls; remain My living tablet so that many souls in your society, this society filled of evil men, may read the secrets of My Heart, for I am known to teach the way to sinners; I Myself have chosen the ones1 who were to inscribe their names in My book of love, and I tell you, I will reward them later on .... learn that the smaller they are, the greater is their inscription; Vassula, I bless you; let Me tell you again one more thing; all of these writings, as you call them, are blessed 1 The ones who wrote prefaces, introductions etc in ‘True Life in God’.