True Life in God Messages

Notebook 70 True Life in God 733 talk and ineffectual wordiness in their prayers are futile to Me if they do not mean them .... I would rather have them turn to Me and say a few words from their heart with love rather than have them babble endlessly in the air! I do not want a worthless lip worship! how many more times am I to say these things to them? and for how much longer have I to put up with this generation? why are they continuously putting My Spirit to the test? pupil, say something! pray! invoke Me! intercede! Beloved of the Father, was it not You who stepped out of Your Throne to come to me and stir my love in this gloomy valley? And is it not You, my King, who visits me to this day? I am He; And what have You done to this dry piece of hay? I have turned this dry piece of hay into a fruitful tree which I watch and keep in My garden of delights! And was it not Your Love that has overcome Your Justice, Justice so rightly reserved for my wretched soul? I simply breathed on you incense and perfumed you with myrrh, melting the ice that covered you; and since I am known to intimidate with My Presence all rivals who enthrone themselves in My place, My Domain, I stepped into your room; then I lifted your face to see My Glory and covered you with blessing; And has not Yahweh, our Father, our Lord and God, our Creator redeemed my life from the snake? Has His Majesty not come down Himself from His Heavenly Kingdom and Heavenly Splendour to restore my memory, reminding me that nothing impure can find a way into Heaven? I have; 1 And have You not, Beloved Holy Spirit, You who outshine all constellations put together, visited me, when I was pitifully groping my way in the dark, shedding Your Light in my poor eyes, to see? I have; 2 and I swore to make rivers flow out of you; I swore to make out of your mouth a sword for My Word, a menace and a threat to Our3 enemies; I swore to become your Friend as I was with the prophets and renew you entirely; I honoured you with Wisdom and initiated you into the mysteries of My Supreme Knowledge; Then, for the sake of Your Holy Name, come quickly to all of us and rescue us. Let all the people delight in You and see what their eyes have never seen and their ears hear what they never heard. You are known for Your infinite Mercy and Your Tender Heart. 4Father? I Am; offer Me then your vow of fidelity to Me, to My Son and to My Holy Spirit and if you do, in the Courts of My House I will parade you; tell Me: what would you give to conquer souls for Me? what would you do to save souls? and what would you give to unite My Son’s Body? every word you will utter now will be heard, assessed, then accomplished by Me; stand firm and answer Me; 1The Father replied. 2The Holy Spirit answered. 3That is: the Holy Trinity. 4 I then turned to the Father.