True Life in God Messages

Notebook 69 True Life in God 725 Presence will console them, and never again will they ask: “where is Your Wine?” or, “where is Your Bread? upon Whom shall we feed?” for now, Your Creator will be among you, and I promise you that I will dwell among you1 and I promise you that never again will the earth fall into such distress; once more I will pour on you all, Peace and Security; and the eyes of those who see will no longer be closed and the ears of those who hear will be alert; hear Me, daughter, tell My people that: Your Saviour is coming and the prize of victory is with Him; His Name: Faithful and True, Lord of lords and King of kings; 2 December 23, 1993 Master, the fig tree will begin to form its figs, and the vines will start blossoming. no, My bride, the fig tree has already formed its figs and the vines have already blossomed; daughter, can you not see? have you not noticed My Sign in heaven? 3hear and write: generation, I have been sending you, and I am still sending you, My angels, 4 to gather My chosen from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other, to stand ready because the Bridegroom soon will step out from heaven and will be with you; your world of today will wear out quickly; I am sending you My angels, to gather My elect, My people, to renew My Church; have you not noticed? have you not understood? do you still not perceive My Sign? 1Rv. 21:3. 2Rv. 17:14, Rv. 19:11 3Allusion to Mt. 24:30 4 Angels here stands for: messengers. The chosen ones sent by God to the world, carrying His Word. today My Holy Spirit raptures one out of two, enwraps him in His blazing Fire and sends him out to be a witness to the Most High; My Holy Spirit lifts one while leaving another one behind in the dust among dust; one is taken, one left; My Holy Spirit, like the wind, blows wherever it pleases; you hear its sound but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going; My Holy Spirit, like a Bridegroom, appears in your days, to court you, seduce you and wed you; My Holy Spirit is laid like a precious cornerstone in your heart, to be the foundation stone of your faith, of your hope, of your love and of your zeal for Me, your God; My Holy Spirit in your days blows on you, this way and that way; His Breath is like a stream flowing in every direction, and everywhere this stream flows, fruit-trees sprout up with leaves that never wither but are medicinal, and everyone who eats from them is healed; yes, My Holy Spirit is a life-giving spring, the inner Power of My Kingdom, raising disciples of Wisdom; My Holy Spirit builds, renews and embellishes, but the Deceiver destroys and batters to death all that is holy; how is it that you cannot perceive the dazzling Light of My Holy Spirit? like the light of seven days in one, My Holy Spirit shines today in heaven; is this Sign of the Son of Man appearing in heaven5 not enough for you? like a shepherd gathering his flock, My Holy Spirit gathers and saves the dispersed flock; I am revealing things hidden and unknown to you; generation, at the favourable time I am revealing you these things; whether you turn right or left you will see the dazzling Sign in heaven of My Holy Spirit and your ears will hear: 5Mt. 24:30.