True Life in God Messages

Notebook 69 True Life in God 723 evil that can lead their soul into further darkness and destruction will be welcomed by them instead; they would welcome the Lie and reject the Truth; it has been said1 that, for a time, two times, and a half time, 2My people would be under their persecution and the dominion of the beast; 3 it has been said that they will, with the help of this beast, consider changing the Traditions and My Law and are planning to remove the Perpetual Sacrifice, trample it underfoot and crush it and in its place erect the disastrous abomination, a lifeless image .... and every saint I am sending you in your generation will be put into their power; today you are all watching how these prophecies are being fulfilled; influenced by the beast, these apostates4are making war on every saint I am sending you, proving today to be the stronger, 5 and as for those6 who reject My calls of today with no reason at all, in My Day they will make this confession: 7 “O Lord, we have been blind and we have sinned, we have indeed wronged You and we have betrayed your commandments and your Law; we have refused to listen to your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your Name to all the world; Lord, we have not listened to Your Merciful Calls nor taken any counsel; God, we paid no attention to Your manifest signs, we have been ridiculing all of them because we have sinned against you; we flouted Scriptures, had we not, we would have 1Dn. 7:25. 2Meaning: Three and a half years. 3Rv. 13:1-18. 4 The apostates are those, according to Our Lord, ecclesiastics influenced by the freemasons. These apostates are noted in Rv. 13:11. They are as the second beast, alias the false prophet. 5Dn. 7:21. 6The good shepherds, but sceptical and closed. 7Read Dn. 9:4-19. accepted Your Sign in heaven8 and the gifts of your Holy Spirit, but we turned our eyes away not to see lest we see and get converted; and the curse and imprecation written in Scriptures will come pouring down on us now – because we have indeed sinned against You; and now, now that the Holy Sacrifice has been abolished to whom can we turn to? on what can we feed our souls? how could we quench our thirst? how could we obtain Life now? all the desolation of the abomination You predicted, but kept secret, has now come true; our distress is unparalleled since we first came into existence;” 9 10Vassula, My Love will sustain you; allow Me, My dearest soul, ever so fragile, to use you entirely, be My silent witness; 11 come; December 22, 1993 (Continuation.) yes, Vassula write: yes, those who rejected My calls for no reason at all will confess, saying: “we have sinned, we have done wrong; Lord, how long is this disastrous iniquity, of sanctuary and army, to be trampled underfoot? how long still will the Truth be buried since they flung It to the ground? 12 is this a result of our sins and the crimes of our apathy?” and I will tell you: when Death was creeping through your windows, My 8Mt. 24:30; Dn. 7:13-14. I understood the following: Manifestation from the Holy Spirit, that comes now, with power, gathering God’s people. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is a Heavenly Sign to renew the Church, in other words to establish the New Jerusalem. 9Dn 12:1. 10 The Lord stopped His dictation but had not finished His message due to its length. I understood that He will continue later. 11By writing. 12Dn. 7:23; Dn. 8:12-13.