True Life in God Messages

Notebook 69 True Life in God 721 transfigured your image instantly; your misery of oppression was your punishment for the crimes of the world; and now I am waiting to be gracious to you, Russia, for in the end you will glorify Me, I tell you, while others will be destroying you will be building; while many will be falling, your shepherds will be rising, if you put your trust in Me; and, while some of My Own, sitting at table with Me, will be wickedly betraying Me, you, you will be the one who will stretch out your hand to defend My Name, My Honour and My Sacrifice, and so every one of your sins will have been paid; “you will then step forward, loyally, and save your brother, your brother who was the prey of the evil one; you will resurrect the Church into One, and Justice will come to live in Her; Justice will bring Peace and everlasting security; happy will you be, singing praises to Me; rich will you be, for the loyalty you showed towards your King, He will repay you a hundredfold; and there where treaties were broken, prophets despised and killed, there where much offence was sown and threats pronounced reaching the heavens with an uproar, there, My beloved, there your shepherds’ noble voices will call out: “‘Salvation! priests and ministers of the Most High, salvation will only be found in Love! Peace! shepherds of the Reflection of the Father, peace will only be found in Forgiveness; Unity! unity, brothers of the Light thrice holy and Who is One in Three, Three in One Light, will only be found by intermarrying! may our Lord Almighty, the Irresistible One, render us worthy of His Name, may He grant us to be one in His Name; Eternal Father, let us be so completely one that the rest of the world 1 The Lord predicted to transfigure Russia in a Message. The fall of the communism happened in the week of the Orthodox Feast of Transfiguration. will realise that it was You who sent the Sacrificial Lamb to glorify You and have Your Name known;’ “thus you will ravage the Divider and you will repair what had been undone; Russia, your role is to honour Me and glorify Me; the Festivity has yet to come, but it depends from you in which manner that Day will come: do not let Me make you return to Me by fire, but with bonds of Peace;” Vassula, allow Me to write through your hand; you are imperfect yet in your imperfection I will glorify My Name, My House and My Heritage; Love loves you and is with you every single minute of your life; rejoice! I Jesus am with you; December 15, 1993 Vassula, renew your vows to Me; Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God, I shall never give You up or sell You no matter what they do to me. for My Name's sake, they will hound you, ridicule you and soil your name, will you still keep your vows of fidelity to Me? They have already hounded me, ridiculed me and soiled my name. For Your Name’s sake they calumniated me, yet I have kept my vows. You are my Saviour and my King, this is why I will never give You up, my Lord.