True Life in God Messages

720 True Life in God Notebook 69 when in the last days nation after nation will decline and pervert itself for having erected the disastrous abomination in the Holy Place, Russia’s shepherds will be gathering to sanctify her altars; and while others1will be reverencing a lifeless form, an invention of human skill, an unbreathing image, Russia’s shepherds will be gathering, glorifying Me, for I, God, will preserve her Integrity; and while efforts very evilly are being spent elsewhere to shorten the days of My mouthpieces, since they are the hope of this world, Russia’s shepherds will be gathering, to protect My Holy Sacrifice, and I, for My part, will be setting My Throne in her, and I will assemble all those who bear My Name together for My Glory; I will repair her broken altars, for many who live under My Name will side up with her in the end, and her shepherds will, with one hand, and one spirit re-erect My tottering House; what had once been twisted will now be straightened, and I will adorn Russia with impressive vestments because of her zeal in Me; I will place her shepherds at the head of innumerable nations; I have engraved her with the seal of consecration to offer Me, once more, incense and an appeasing fragrance; this is why I will overwhelm her shepherds with miracles; “Russia, My Loyalty and My Gentleness will sanctify you; Russia, My daughter, acknowledge Me entirely and I promise you on oath to exalt your descendants like stars and give them sacred vestments; acknowledge Me entirely, Russia, and I will annihilate all your opponents; I will, if you acknowledge Me wholly, do fresh wonders in you to prove to everyone 1The apostates. living under the sun, My Mercy and My Holiness;” I am ready to show My Compassion on her and I will not be slow if she welcomes Me eagerly; I will not delay to show her how I, the Almighty, can eliminate the arrogant and break their lawless sceptres; but, 2 if she will perverse the liberty I have just given her and will put Me out of her mind, even for just a while, I will allow an enemy to invade her .... if Russia will not come back to me with all her heart and acknowledge Me with an undivided heart, as her Saviour, I will send a vast and mighty host in her and from her to all nations, a host such as has never been before, such as will never be again to the remotest ages, and the sky will turn black and will tremble, and the stars will lose their brilliance .... “today I am ready to make up to you, Russia, for the years you suffered and I can still snatch you all from the blaze, were you to acknowledge Me fully; seek good and not evil, have you already forgotten your famine and your drought? 3 .... I have pushed back the red dragon and destroyed the luxuriance of his empire; I humbled the proud, I have opened the prison gates and freed your captives, I overthrew the kingdom of the red dragon that had coiled in your womb, that one that made the earth tremble turning your land into a wasteland; to honour My Name again in you, I have opened your Churches one after the other, I called you by your name that Day: Russia4 to rejoice and be glad, and to celebrate the Feast of My Transfiguration, 1 I 2Suddenly God’s Voice dropped and became sad and very grave. It saddened me profoundly. 3Spiritually. 4From USSR to Russia.