True Life in God Messages

Notebook 69 True Life in God 719 you: to serve and to love Me, your Lord, with zeal, love Me as I love you, be perfect in your love! I have commanded you to prosper My Vineyards; I have chosen you among misery to adopt you, then I overwhelmed you with True Knowledge and anointed you making you Mine; although the Enemy, out of jealousy, joined His forces against you to destroy My beloved, you will go by unscathed; and as the sun and the moon shine on all things, My Holy Countenance will shine on you1 as a blessing, confirming that I Am is the true and only Author of: ‘True Life in God’ and that you are My gift to mankind, this is the manner by which I will seal My Message.... immense is My Mercy and My Glory .... I shall continue to use you as My altar on which I will place every sacrifice you offer Me; all that you offer Me with love will be appeasing and relenting My Father’s wrath; then, when your services are completed: the Ceremony will be over nothing can be added more .... I shall indeed be with you soon, beloved; December 13, 1993 (Prophecy on Russia) God, Lord Almighty, bind me more to You, bind me in Your Eternal Love. 1When Christ annihilates me and appears entirely in my place, as witnessed by many, in different nations. I Am is with you and I shall never fail you; you are bound to Me .... now I have called you and you responded; write, My Vassula: your sister Russia will honour Me in the very end and one day will be called holy for I shall be her Ruler; once again, integrity will live there .... yes? Lord, corruption is penetrating in her now .... I will lower her eyes .... I do not understand in which way, Lord, will You lower her eyes. very well, I will tell you then: by the brilliance of My majesty2 then I will come and rest in her heart .... Lord, she still lives in the blackness of sin, and anguish. those who have taken the wrong turning will fall; I will destroy the luxurious forces with My Fire and the proud will be brought low; I intend to rebuild My House and I shall adopt her sons and daughters to honour Me; Vassula, do not just stand there bewildered and uncomprehending; I tell you, your sister Russia will be the head3 of many nations and will glorify Me in the end; listen carefully and understand: her shepherds will be gathering while treaties will be breaking elsewhere, and while rebellion will be working its way elsewhere to abolish the Perpetual Sacrifice, Russia’s shepherds will be gathering to restore My House, reverencing the Perpetual Sacrifice, worshipping and honouring Me; 2 I understood by a purification, for when God reveals Himself and shines in a soul, the contrast of Light within darkness is so great that the soul sees vividly its imperfections and suffers a lot. 3Spiritually.