True Life in God Messages

718 True Life in God Notebook 69 but are without love, it will do you no good whatever?” have you not understood that if a single one of you is hurt, all parts of the Body of Christ are hurt and suffer with it? if you hurt your neighbour you hurt Christ's Body, not your neighbour; can you say: “I came to God with reverence, sincerity and love;” “when?” will He ask you, “when have you come to Me with reverence, sincerity and love? My Body, you have mutilated, I have been judged, treated with insult, calumny, and I have been betrayed by falsehood; I was despised and rejected, utterly disgraced by your lips, so, when have you come to Me with reverence, sincerity and love? I am asking you to give some definitive proof of your love for Me;” My children, realise now why Satan has taken advantage of your weakness and tempted you to war; Christ has come to you hungry and you gave Him no food; He came to you thirsty and you gave Him no drink; He came to you as a stranger and you did not welcome Him but treated Him as you pleased; My children, your love is not to be merely words on your lips, but something that comes from your heart; your love should be alive and active; I am with you to help you; I bless you all by saying: let everything you do be done with your heart, in love; December 7, 1993 Vassula of My Sacred Heart, peace be with you; although you were not the one who sought Me, I have favoured you and in your wretchedness I have come to you; although you were not apt for this mission I decided to raise you with My Power to go out and conquer an irreligious and wicked world with My Message; never fear for I am with you; remain faithful to Me and do not let your heart be troubled when My Message is not accepted by some; it is My Message and not yours, is it not? you are only to transmit and not to worry for the rest; daughter, from the beginning My Father and I warned you that you will have much opposition for what saves is despised by the world; I tell you again as never before: you are My servant and you will never be greater than Me, your Master; no messenger is greater than the One who sent him; you have seen My Wounds, you too will bear them because you are with Me, but do not worry, Love is by your side to cheer you up and as the Father had sent Me to testify the greatness of His Love and glorify His Name, so am I too sending you; I had been sent to make His Name known, and I said that I will continue to make it known and so I am; My Word is Truth; do not be surprised when I descend now and then to remind you of the Father, so now, you too, daughter, be My witness; I have chosen a few to manifest My Power in them and reveal to the world the fathoms of My Riches to glorify My Name; in your days, I and My Mother appear to a number of people; I have signed My Name in oil all over them to enable them too to carry out the work I have given them; pray for these souls that they may accomplish their mission with zeal too to glorify Me; Vassula, My Property, I, your Lord, am your Strength; come then without delay and draw from Me, fill up your resources! I have adorned your head with My Thorned Crown and clothed your body with My Signature; My Words, I have engraved all over you with My Finger; and you have become My living Tablet; My Command I have given