True Life in God Messages

Notebook 68 True Life in God 715 “My beloved, I will give water from the well of Life free to you who thirst for My Love, your King will take no rest, none at all, beloved of My Soul, not until you allow Him to seal on your heart His Divine Kiss, a Kiss from His Mouth1 Have you not noticed how the sun darkens every time you doubt of My Love? “approach Me, dearest soul, and I will pour out on you countless treasures from My Sacred Heart; for you alone I have stored them, to turn your soul fair as in springtime and into an ivory tower, a Heaven for Myself alone, have you not realised how I have grafted you to Me? let Me hear your voice again ....” How Splendid You are, Anointed One, Sacrificial Lamb of God, encircled by Your angels and all the saints, Irresistible One, Reflection of the Father, Light thrice holy, One in Three, Three in One Light, Brighter than a thousand suns, how have I been deemed worthy of seeing the Son and in the Son, the Father? “Have you not heard, My dove, that the lowly will rejoice in Me and that the poorest will exult in My Presence? have you not noticed My weakness I have for the wretched and how I delight to instruct the poor?” My God, My God! who is this arising like dawn 1Song of Songs 1:1. shimmering in the twilight, like the morning star? who is this fairer than the moon, adorned with the sun and a Gate wide open in Her Heart? “She is the Queen of Heaven, She is My Mother and your Mother, the loveliest of women, beautiful as Heaven, radiant as My Glory, unique in Her Perfection, the Delight of My Soul, She is the Woman with the twelve stars on Her Head for a crown, the Vessel of My Glory, a Reflection of My Eternal Light; She is the One whose Presence in My Courts outshines all the constellations put together; She is the Vessel of the True Light, The Word, made flesh, and who lived among you, She is Grace in Grace, and the Sweetest Song of the psalmists; She is My Theme of Joy, My Honour and My Boast, She is the Gate to Heaven the One who shows Her children how to enter into My Kingdom, She is My Masterpiece, She is the Consoler of your Consoler, Co-Redemptress of your Redeemer, the Bride of My Holy Spirit; “daughter, I will take no rest, not until I take you too into My Mother’s House into the Room of Her who conceived Me, to reveal to you too Her Beauty, then, all the mysteries that seemed to you like a well of enigmas, will suddenly like a clap of lightning be revealed to you too, My beloved, and you will understand