True Life in God Messages

Notebook 68 True Life in God 713 Understanding to be found?” I shall say: “Understanding, My child, is avoidance of all evil;” “what about our wretchedness, what will You do to open our eyes?” they will exclaim; “the wretched? I will save by their very wretchedness and use distress to open their eyes;” then these wretches’ heart will melt and will ask Me to look after them as you have asked Me, daughter; then out of all these, I will make a mighty people with the majesty of My Name; and when they will be rebuked and asked by the apostates: “why are you rejoicing aloud? how dare you proclaim God’s Word in His Sanctuary, you defiled lot!” I will tell these apostates: “if these keep silence the stones will cry out even louder until they will deafen your ears; today, this very day, I am taking away from you My Kingdom and am giving It to this remnant, since you are not going in yourselves nor allow others to go in who want to; from now on I shall be their Counsellor and their King within them; I will from now on send them to the cities to proclaim My Love and pass on to others the Tradition I Myself have given to Peter and My disciples; since this remnant will be grafted on Me, they will clean My cities and put an end to transgression;” I, God, bless you for hearing Me; Love loves you;  (Later:) 1 My command to you is: love Me, write down My Messages and go from nation to nation proclaiming My Words, be My Echo; those who have ears, let them hear, those who do not want to hear, let them not hear; 1Later the Eternal Father spoke. all that you undertake will be guided by Me and blessed so do not fear; time is short, act without delay, this is My command too; My Son’s Heart is broken and I cannot bear His sadness any longer; Vassula, little one, I, Yahweh, your loving Father and Abba will help you in this battle; walk with Me; the words you pronounce are not your words, they are Mine; every thing you do for My House glorifies Me; remain in Me, because My children see Me in you and through you; I will give you the support you need and I will reinforce you so that with My Power in you, you may trample on the enemies of My House and with this accomplish your mission glorifying Me; My child, return now to your duties, 2 and remember My child and My own, that I, God, your Father, am with you and in you; I, Yahweh, bless you with all My Heart; October 22, 1993 peace be with you; lean on Me and do not fear; if you put all the demons together with Satan, I am still stronger than all of them put together; dearest one never doubt of My EternalLove; ic; November 11, 1993 peace be with you; this is your Lord speaking and it is for My Glory that I am revealing Myself to you3 and to your 2Household duties. 3Many times the Lord effaces me and shows Himself to people in my place.